November 23, 2004

Lassie—Get the Oncologist! (via the sadly under-appreciated Discover Magazine)
  • )
  • Cool link, FedoraUndershirt! I've subscribed to Discover since I was in the 8th grade. (/dork)
  • Great post, thanks.
  • Nice link. Good dog. FedoraUndershirt, may I call you Hattee?
  • This is great. Although this picture is oddly disturbing. Though #1: Awwww, that's so cute! Thought #2: Oh no. Hang on. Someone's got cancer. It's a really good piece of research. Downside: I dread to think what the morphic resonance people will start saying once Rupert Sheldrake gets hold of this...
  • is there anything dogs can't do? You have to wonder why humans are the dominant species.
  • This is a neat little story from a few years ago about using canine sniffers in the jewelry industry.
  • You have to wonder why humans are the dominant species. Canned dog food. And fetch. 'Nuff said ;)
  • Ok, lets see who has cancer...nope not petri dish number about number 2...nope...ah ha number 3 might be the ticket...OH MY GOD IT'S MY TAIL! CATCH THE TAIL! GET BACK HERE!....ahem...where were we?
  • Opposable thumbs, trampnews. Heaven help us if cats evolve them.
  • I saw a tv show about a dog that could smell a certain bacteria in bee hives, that if left untreated would destroy the bees and the honey. He was trained to sit next to a hive if he smelled the bacteria. This is a great link, FedoraUndershirt.
  • Dogs: “you don’t have to plug them in and they self-calibrate”
  • Robots: "rarely stop work to lick their own balls"
  • "Oh King! Get down! I'm sorry - he's just telling you got crotch cancer! King! Go lay down!"
  • Bluehorse: Please do :) would you like to see your portrait?
  • the other monkey is Alnedra
  • Hattee? Hope me!-- 403 Forbidden You must supply a local referer to get URL '/img/274/2438/1024/BlueHorse%26Alnedra.jpg' from this server. thttpd/2.25b 29dec2003
  • I got a picture? With GramMa?? Wow! Let me see let me see!
  • Link works for me.
  • Me, too.
  • yeah, it does that, try again a little later.
  • Try here.
  • Oooohhh, Hattie Luv, me likes. Of COURSE that's the dangerously beautiful Alnedra. uh, how did you know my ... rump was so ... rumpish *looks around and under chair for hidden web cam
  • *falls over laughing* Oh man, Fedora, that is so cool :) I officially adore thee now.