November 23, 2004

Is this the real reason Aquafina bottles have that wide mouth?
  • Ew. Just Ew. But I HAVE to say, that must have entailed some impressive control and maneuvering if they pulled that off while driving a rig.
  • I dunno. On second thought I'm thinking Gatorade bottles would be the better choice.
  • Or fruit juice, the healthy choice!
  • But Bees, imagine the tragic consequences of mixing up your treasured pee jug with the apple juice. Side by side they sit. Which is which? Fruit juice roulette
  • Urine is usually sterile. Opening and smelling a little bit isn't going to kill you -- you're a hardass knight-in-chrome-armor-of-the-road, after all.
  • Side by side they sit. Which is which? Fruit juice roulette. Not exactly haiku, but I like it.
  • And it's pullable on a straight, flat road, on a modern cruise-control/power-steering truck. Especially if you're on crank.
  • And it's pullable Oh, dear.
  • Oh, dear. What'd I say?
  • Wait, aquafina bottles have wider mouths?
  • You said quite a handful.
  • Monkeyfilter: which is which?
  • On a bus ride home from summer camp my friend had to pee into an empty 2 litre Coke bottle because the mean bus driver wouldn't pull over. Scarred for life, he was. And all us kids knew how and when he was doing it, to add to the whole "gross eww yuck ha ha" of the situation.
  • Jar peeing for us girlies 'coz when you gotta go, you gotta go.
  • Every truck driver I have met has a piss bottle (except for women, they usualy have a garbage can). My personal favorite is a Sunny Delight gallon jug, they have a very large opening and make it less likely to splatter. I usualy keep going in the same bottle til I get to Arkansas, then dump the contents out on the road. If Arkansas isnt in the near future Massachusetts or California are deserving also.
  • Stray: wow. That looks just like the device they use for giving liquid doses of medicine to infants. Maybe I can salvage the one from my son's firt-aid kit and offer it up to my wife on our next cross-country trip.
  • stray, that Travel Mate looks a little too much like my son's medicine spoon.
  • If I could save pee in a bottle The first thing that I
  • I read a story at one point that said that a significant portion of the trash on the side of the road is pee filled bottles.
  • odd- are you actually politicizing urination? wait a second, if you're serious, then you might be the sort of person who doesn't understand those big words. y'all are pissin' in the liberul states and that one that that dang ol' clinton came from?
  • the nestea bottles have wide mouths and an impressive capacity. so i've heard.
  • There was no john. So I drove on. And on. Then with some glee I filled an old fruit jar with pee. And left it there beside the highway while the coast was clear I did it my way.
  • smallish bear - I'm confused as to what politicising you are talking about. The post is a Canadian news story, from New Brunswick. They need more rest stops there.
  • heck, since aquafina is just houston tap water it's practically pee already.
  • I am using odd as a proper noun, not an adjective. We have a user named odd.
  • I
  • AquaIrving bottles, they oughtta be.
  • Gatorade bottles. They are 48 oz, I believe. I don't know about you but if I need to piss so desperately that I'll do it while driving then it's going to take a lot more than one of those little Aquafina bottles. And Gatorade bottles have wider mouths for those of us that need that.
  • Gatorade -- for that deep-down body urge
  • I imagine that with practice, the wide-wouth wouldn't really be that necessary. I don't have any experience from when I'm driving, but daily commutes on the rails taught me how to compensate for sway. It's not too too difficult -- you just need to pay attention. Which is the tricky part when you're behind the wheel...
  • I think the hardest part is gravity. From the ordinary driving position, there is no way to position a bottle so that you can pee down into it. The seat's there. You need to slide the seat back and shimmy up. And yeah, if you have to go that bad then the size of the bottle does matter. Holding it in while you dump the bottle out the window is not as good an option as it may seem to be at first.
  • 1. 1-inch hole drilled through car floor. 2. 3-foot length of garden hose with funnel inserted. 3. Profit
  • I will now rat out my then 3 year old son, who desperately needed to pee while we were stuck in a horrendous traffic jam on our way back from the beach in a minivan full of kids. There were jersey walls on either side and no way to get out. I passed him a snapple bottle, he quite logically inserted the part in question and started to go - holding the bottle upside down. It made more sense, given his design and the design of his carseat, and the fact that, like many three year olds, he wasn't too clear on the gravity thing - but you have never heard anything like the shrieking from the other kids. Hilarity ensued, and he was scarred for life, no doubt, especially since we retell this story so often. If the bottle had been full, though, I would have taken it home. I mean, if a piece of paper made the Native American cry, than what would a pee jug have made him do?
  • This summer I worked cleaning up litter on the side of the highway. Over the course of one month, we picked up 2400 piss bottles. The worst , though, was 'trucker bags'-- plastic bags filled with trucker's shit. I have no how they managed to do that while driving.
  • smallish bear- the political aspect is just a bonus, I just mention Ar, Ca, Ma cause they are my least favorite states to drive in/through. Also I have never pissed while driving I just pull to the shoulder and go in the back of the truck. Truckers mainly do it to save time, if I just pull over I can be back driving in under a minute. If I pull into a rest area, park, go inside, etc... it could take 10-15 minutes.