January 14, 2004

http://www.monkeyfilter.com works now. I've just forwarded the domain to the juju address until it officially gets transferred to tracicle.
  • Woo!
  • how's come i can't log in there? hmmm.
  • Hmmmm. I honestly don't know. I just tried it and it worked fine. The only thing it's doing is manipulating what's in the address and title bar. Everything else should work the same as always. What steps did you go through?
  • Woo Hoo! I just tried it and it works fine from here.... Thanks, Kimberly!
  • Sweet! Works great for me.
  • I can't log in on www.monkeyfilter.com. It accepts my username and password, but still shows me as Anonymous.
  • Nicely done.
  • You just made a page containing a frame which shows juju.net.whatever, right? Wouldn't it be better to just make a website that automatically forwards to juju.net.whatever, at least for the time being? Apart from that: yay.
  • BBF & co: it will, it will. Patience. Zen. Big fat Buddha. The old address will still work, anyway, if you're having trouble.
  • New one works perfectly at this end.
  • Nice work Kimberly - kudos, props, and a bottle o' shoutout!
  • i join rocket88 in anonymity! perhaps they just don't like us, R88. sniff.
  • IT WON'T LET ME IN IT WON'T LET ME IN IT WON'T LET ME IN not that i'm in a panic or anything.
  • I just realised that it's always me that kicks up a fuss about some dorky thing that no-one cares about. Sorry. I need more alcohol, or maybe a small colourful ball to entertain me.
  • I am logged in via monkeyfilter.com.
  • Put me in the boat with SideDish and Rocket88. Suddenly I feel so irrelevant. But kudos and bananas to Kimberly for getting the MonkeyFilter domain going...
  • [ hands Blaise a shiny toy ] What I did was logged in with my registrar (in this case GoDaddy) and set the domain monkeyfilter.com to forward to juju.net. My goal is to just transfer ownership to tracicle and let her make it go. I'm still waiting for an email from support to tell me how to perform the transfer.
  • Maybe the not logging is a browser issue? (Of course, I'm totally talking out of my ass. Ook Ook) I'm on Firebird by the way.
  • Can't login on: Crazy Browser (which is based on IE ) Internet Explorer Avant Browser (which is also IE based, I think. I've never really used it) Works with: Mozilla Netscape Opera Firebird So it appears, as Kimberly said, to be a browser issue. And isn't it typical that its bloody Internet Explorer thats the problem.
  • Add beeswacky to the list of those exiled from monkey.com.
    (Yes, my IE browser stinks, while the other one won't let me into the juju.net.nz. I says Pox and Poo on they both!)
  • On both browsers, let me hasten to clarify! Argh!
  • FYI i'm on IE 6.0 WinXP
  • So it looks like its an IE problem. Probably something to do with where its storing its cookie, although that could just be me talking out of my arse.
  • And good work Kimberly. Now I won't have to use google to find this place while I'm at University.
  • Yup, I just downloaded Firebird, and I can log in to MonkeyFilter.com with no trouble. I knew IE was lame. (Waiting for IT cops at work to come bust me for wandering off the M$ ranch...)
  • Once you go tabbed browsing, you'll never go back. Viva La Revolution!! er, yeah. *drinks a cock-punch*
  • *Agrees with Kimberly* (*Politely declines the offer of a glass of cock punch*)
  • *Shows himself to be clueless as how to use stars around sentences properly and sensibly* *Sits in silence for rest of evening*
  • Oh, Duuuuuuude! LOVE Firebird. Thank you Kimberly: 1) For all the cool MonkeyFilter stuff. 2) For getting me to check out Firebird. Sweet! Okay, back to work...
  • They still think it's accidental?
  • I tried, but don't seem able to get it to download. What URL did you use, ambrosia?
  • [this is monkey]
  • This should work for mozilla and firebird downloads, if thats what you were after, beeswacky
  • I downloaded it from this site. (The URL, to be redundant, is http://www.mozilla.org/products/firebird/). It did take a couple of minutes to fully download, but it was otherwise totally straightforward. On preview, looks like dng beat me to it.
  • < threadjack > Firebird rocks your mommy up and down the block. For many reasons. Including extensions.
  • This is strange: when I'm on monkeyfilter.com and I click any link, I go to the right page but the url listed in the url field is still "monkeyfilter.com." It's happening with both IE and Safari. WTF?
  • From the bottom of my worm infested heart I send you zombie-monkey thanks. I'll see the [this is monkey] and raise you [yeah, monktastic!] Mr. Radley. *Breaks into "Wind Beneath my Wings."*
  • It doesn't happen with juju.net, though. I think I'll stick with juju.net for now (which always reminds me of the lovely madamjujujive.)
  • That's the masking. I can turn it off if it bugs people.
  • Works on IE for Mac.
  • *can't login with IE, goes looking for firebird, gets distracted by big vat of cock-punch*
  • I can login with IE 6, WinXP
  • What exactly is cock-punch? Are we talking a vat full of rooster blood, a vat full of an off white liquid, or some sort of tangy orangeish mixture of the two?
  • Thanks, dng and ambrosia! Right now I am using the IE browser because I have not made friends yet with Mozilla, which is being a beast.
  • Success, I am on friendly terms with it now. Again, thanks to dng and ambrosia.
  • Firebird is SWEET! *hops from foot to foot in jubilant monkey dance* MONKEY LOVE! MONKEY LOVE!!
  • Ooooh! I like this firebird thingy. It, like, works! And stuff. Also, monkeyfilter.com is pretty. It makes my world more woo. (Although the masking is a tad annoying) Cheers Kimberly, dng, ambrosia, et al. [you are monkey] In other news, apparently a 'cock-punch' is a punch to the genital area (non-gender-specific)... and there was me gleefully assuming that it referred to something more seminal. Aw, heck, I might start using it to mean that anyway, it sounds good. Oh, and I can report that I was the 178th visitor to the website of CockPunch Records, home to the fabulously named The Pirates Who Carve Out Your Eyes and Piss in Your Eye Sockets. Hmmm.
  • I can see how MoFi will quickly become Firebird paradise. (Firebird is my pc's Windows browser, Safari for my iBook. *poses*) And yes, tabbed browsing is the ONLY way to go. *starts cock-punching holes in random pieces of paper*
  • *starts cock-punching holes in random pieces of paper* A rare talent.
  • Years of practice. Years.
  • I'm late to the party, but let me throw in an OOK! OOK! OOK! and a little hopping up and down, and a throwing my hands up in the air a couple of times, too. Looks beautiful from (my brand spankin' new as of last night) eMac and Safari on 10.3.2. Now, as to all this cock-punching... isn't that hitting below the belt?
  • Firebird, Yay! Oop! Ack! How can you post with your login if you can't . . login? cock punch? My meme-sense is tingling . . .
  • how come stepself can log in with IE 6, WinXP and i can't???? and my tech at work would not be pleased if i digressed from the Official Office Browser of IE6 to download firebird. help meeee........
  • please don't do away with the juju address! or i shall be forced to take my cock punch and go home.
  • This ROCKS!!! Having said that, I'm unable to log in and the masking is bothersome. My stupid work is running the AOL browser and there's nothing I can do about it. Any chance these bugs can be fixed so it will work with all browsers? But again I say, this ROCKS!!! OOO OOO OOO!
  • did she say "drinks" a cock punch?
  • Just to clear things up: a) Right now monkeyfilter.com is just forwarding to juju. Eventually, when I figure out how, I'm going to transfer the actual domain to tracicle and then there won't be any of these issues. In the meantime, I turned off masking. b) "drinking cock-punch" came from another thread. A horrible, scary, mind-bending thread.
  • Coooooooooooooooooooooooooock Puuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuunuch.
  • cock punch on the rocks, please.
  • Just so y'all know: Subject: CHANGE OF REGISTRANT INITIATED Dear Customer, This message is to confirm that you have initiated a change of registrant for the following domain name(s): MONKEYFILTER.COM Whoohoo!
  • Heartfelt thanks to Kimberly! And bananas all round to all those who have worked to establish and improve monkeyfilter!
  • For you Firebird users out there: I cannot recommend the AdBlock extension enough. It allows you to block ads individually, by site, or with wildcards. Very useful for sites where the ads are served from the same server as the regular image (for example, if I block all images from "images.somethingawful.com" using the standard Firebird image block, I lose both ads and normal images. With adblock, I can block all "images.somethingawful.com/ad/*", effectively killing only ads). Everyone at work has just swarmed over it. /derail
  • Dear Valued Customer: The registration of the following domain name(s) has been successfully transferred to you: MONKEYFILTER.COM I'm a valued customer! Whee! Should be completed this evening once the hosting co. lets me add a domain. :)
  • Yay us! YAY MoFi!! Visions of valued monkeys are, indeed, dancing through my head. MONKEYFILTER.COM rocks *everybody's* mommy up and down the block.
  • With cock-punch, of course.
  • It's morning in America! Er, in MonkeyFilterland. Ah, these lucky current monkeys. They are past the old days pre-monkeyfilter.com...
  • Come to think of it, we haven't had cock punch of late either.
  • Only because server went MIA.