November 17, 2004

Christmas gifts (?) you can make... I take it some of you are bored and just sit around bashing on the blogs all day. Christmas is right around the corner, and if the reason you're blogging is that you're unemployed, this could fill some of you time and save you some cash too! oh - some of these ideas seem a little dangerous. via codewolf

  • Link here.
  • This so rocks. I'm asking Mister shinything for a christmukwanzakkah USB toitle.
  • oops- Fanx fish tick
  • These are all way beyond my technical ability, but they're so cool... I really should have taken tech in high school.
  • Whatever happened to fruitcake?
  • Warning! Obviously there's a certain amount of jest to this page, but anyone who promotes quackery such as Colloidal Silver while playing down that it will turn you permanently Zombie Colored is a dangerous nutcase.
  • Holy shit! Rosemary is teh s|<3333ry! AAAAAAH!
  • Fuck Chrsitmas!
  • Colloidial Silver I'm often amazed by the synchronicity of internet events in my life. For instance, I had never heard much about colloidial silver or its ghastly effects until this post yesterday, when Rosemary's unfortunate complexion was foisted upon my gaze. Then today I was browsing Project Gutenberg looking for D. H. Lawrence texts, and in my browsing came across some ghost stories by an author of whom I'd never heard: Joeseph Sheridan Le Fanu's Ghostly Tales, Volume 1. Being a sucker for old school shivers (this is circa 1851), I read the first story, "Schalken the Painter." Wouldn't you know it? One of the characters in the story is described as having a ghastly countenance: "all the flesh of the face was coloured with the bluish leaden hue, which is sometimes produced by metallic medicines, administered in excessive quantities." Thanks to monkeyfilter, I knew EXACTLY what he was describing, and not a moment too soon. Plus, the effect was suitably scary, since I'd seen it first hand. Of course this also means that, unlike the tinkerer here, people as far back as Le Fanu knew not to fuck around with colloidial silver if you wanted not to look corpse-ish. (BTW, if you like old fashioned spookiness, I can recommend at least this much of Le Fanu. Plus, it's free.)
  • Colloidal silver turns you a permanent ghostly bluish-white? If I were goth I would be so on it. I've been shocked by both US phone ring voltage (90 volts tip-to-tip?) and 115 house current, both of which were not fun. Those electrical misadventure pictures make me go ouch. That guy must have been effed up for life.