November 16, 2004

Rate Your Music A great site where you can catalog, rate, and review your CD collection, get recommendations based on your collections from the site and other users - also a great music community board!
  • Great. There goes, like, three weekends.
  • I thought you were referring to me. ;-)
  • Jerry, I'd give your stuff 4 stars based on the first 2 songs...
  • The problem? Since everyone is rating music they own, there's no distance. Of course you think that the entire Dave Matthews catalogue is great
  • js, the "others who like what you like also like" concept is a really good one, though.
  • Well, I think the primary purpose of the site, at least why I use it, is to catalog YOUR collection. There's nothing saying this is an entirely "fair and balanced" site. You're there to explore what other people with similar tastes like, maybe get introduced to some new things? I think the average rating on the site is 3 1/2 stars, which, obviously if totally neutral would average about half a star to a star less (the lowest possible rating is 1/2 a star). I think people, for the most part are pretty fair about their rating systems. Plus there is an algorithm (which you can learn more about by searching the community boards), which discounts people who rate everything 5 stars or rate 1 album and leave, etc, so the average ratings given are pretty accurate based on the real community opinions.