November 14, 2004

...relativistic sex would only last for a fraction of a second, and would appear as a sort of muddy grayish white smudge... Mmmh... so it isn't supposed to be like that always..?

'Top 10 reasons why sex at the speed of light is not an advisable form of procreation.' Ah, sex and physics, both my favorite/most disliked things...

  • I liked the fireball ejaculation. I'll have to try that some time.
  • uh....ow?
  • Always wondered: what is our speed right now, assuming we could observe earth from some fixed point in the universe?
  • Brings back memories of Man of Steel, Woman of Kleenex, this does.
  • There are no fixed points, beeswacky. Everything's in motion.
  • I thought everything was supposed to be moving from from a Big Banged centre? No, I did not invent this's one of the ejacukations if those pesky scientists!
  • Whenever life gets you down, Mrs. Brown, And things seem hard or tough,
  • Imagine a four-dimensional cube you can travel through and end up on the other side if you travel in a straight line in any direction. Or you look up into the sky with a telescope powerful enough that you end up seeing the back of your head. While it hasn't been proved that space works this way, there's research at Princeton trying to figure it out. In this case, if they can find "echoes" of the same objects in the sky, its possible that our universe has this characteristic. Another way it has been described is as if all three-dimensional objects are placed on the surface of a balloon, and the balloon is expanding, making the surface expand and all the objects on it, but the balloon itself is not something we can visualize — only the effects of how other objects move. I'm not sure there is a "center" point we can measure from?
  • In the four-dimensional cube universe, would it pay to try going in a straight line? I bet nobody there does. In the balloon universe, everything always keeps going away from the observer, so wot's the point? Hoew is a person going to eat his soup here? It's always going away, the spoon is going away, the bowl is going away, in effect there is nothing to eat, you can't get the spoon into the soup, let alone get the spoon to your mouth. If you are allowed to have a mouth here. I vote we all stay here.
  • There are no fixed points, beeswacky. Everything's in motion. Come on, everybody knows the fixed point is in Paris.
  • I have researched this matter extensively. I have concluded that all motion is relative to me as I am the center of the universe.
  • I am the center of the universe. yes you are. so am I.
  • My Christian friend tells me relativistic moralism will be the end of the universe. So much for thermodynamics.
  • I've heard it said that, since every point in the universe was once contained within the singularity of the Big Bang, every point in the universe is in fact at the centre. Or something like that.
  • The "big bang" happened everywhere. There was no spacetime that it exploded into. Space and time were part of what came into being then and expanded along with everything else. See the Cosmology FAQ which is a lot of fun and has many helpful explanations and diagrams. So far as sex goes, you'd need an utterly frictionless lubricant, or you'd both vaporize...
  • "Wherever you go, there you are." not sure who said it first
  • Humans exist as CUBICS, not entities, for the 4 corner stages of rotating human metamorphosis do not occur at the same time for the individual - except for family Cube. You are educated stupid, indoctrinated evil, and can't even acknowledge that a mother and baby are the same age - on opposite corners of a Cubic Creation Principle - for Truth in Opposites contradict a god entity. Evil educators suppress Cubic Creation and preach evil singularity to dumb students - dispossessing students of ratiocinate mind. WORD students serve Nature best if dead.