November 12, 2004

SOMEONE SHUT HER UP! Curious Monkey: There's this really annoying song playing on the radio, it's called "Let Me Be Your Angel" and the monster who sings it is a little girl (Tiffany Evans). Honestly, she sounds like she's ready to blow up!! This made me think, what are (is) the most annoying tracks that you monkeys have ever heard?
  • Obladi-Oblada has got to be up there.
  • I used to work next to a person who was forever getting songs "stuck" in her head. This, apparently, was a Very Large Irritant in her life. It used to be such fun to hear her roar at me after I'd whistled a few bars of "It's a Small World." She be humming that to herself all the rest of the day, while grinding her molars at the horror of it.
  • I am one of those people, fish tick, and thus from this point onward will be avoiding this thread as much as my morbid curiosity will let me. So far I'm immune (don't know either of the two songs mentioned) but I don't know how much longer I can hold out.
  • the meh: this is the thread that never ends. :-)
  • first song that came to mind was "God's Not Dead", by Tammy Faye Bakker, from the children's album "Oops! There Comes a Smile!" Horrifyingly grating sing-song vocals over a oompah-band backbeat. second that came to mind was "Blind Man In The Bleachers" - can't remember the artist - a 70's singer/songwriter-style tune about the blind man at the local high-school football game.. and what happens on the day he doesn't show up. Tugs at your hearstrings like a gorilla in your chest cavity.
  • When I was in junior high school in Tennessee in the mid 80's, there was this horrible song that got a ton of airplay called "Dear Mr. Jesus". It was also sung by a little girl, and it was about child abuse. Now, I am all about preventing child abuse, but this was the most maudlin piece of crap I had ever heard. Was this just a southern phenomena or do other monkeys remember it? I'll spare you the lyrics.
  • Oh, I hate cutesy-stagey kids singing. I'm feeling your pain on that one, even if I (thankfully) never heard that song. Two songs I personally can't stand, Suzanne Vega's... I... can't remember the name, "Tom's Diner"? You know the one. And Queen's "Fat Bottomed Girls," for which I actually have to leave the room so that I don't start shooting sparks from my eyes and throwing chairs around. It's kind of funny. But yeah, manufactured tearjerkiness, cutesy kids' singing, and oh right, I can't stand "God Bless the USA" either. Things that come off as forced/manufactured yet bill themselves as sincere. (If it is upfront about being manufactured, I don't mind. I love crappy 80s synthpop. It's the "sincerity" with air-quotes that brings on teh h8.)
  • RingRingRingRingRingRingRingRing BANANAPHONE! excuse me, I must now go wash my ears out with bleach. again.
  • The theme tune to 'Terry & June' (70s UK sitcom) is guaranteed to get you shouted at if you casually whistle it in the office. Very crap, very catchy, with the added bonus of dredging up memories of 70s interior design. Perfik!
  • my roommate in my first year of university used to play (on repeat) this song by dc talk that went "hey you...i'm into jesus". i used to end up walking around campus singing it and i had to whack myself on the side of the head and go "no i'm not no i'm not no i'm not"
  • "I just can't get you outta my head. Boy, your something something da da dum. (repeated n+1 times) La la la, la la la la la..."
  • "Oh, the Candy Man can..." Hate that song.
  • When the wife and I lived in Baton Rouge, we rented half a floor of a house in Spanishtown. The other half was the residence of the landlord, who we found out only after moving in was an alcoholic homosexual sociopath. I would leave to bike to school at 7:00 am and find him sitting on the porch next to a half-finished six-pack of Schlitz Tall Boys. Literally the night after we moved in he called Mrs. Pettle over to "keep him company" and ended up weeping openly (drunkenly) about his boyfriend and then threatening suicide. Not knowing what to do, we called 911, and the answering officers told us, "Yeah, we're out here all the time. This guy's a freak." Anyway, we lived 3 months with this guy on the other side of the wall from us, and more than once heard domestic violence going on between him and said boyfriend. He was miffed at us about calling the cops for that suicide threat, and even more miffed that we refused to get involved in his disputes after that. I never saw him sober. The only upside was he let us pay half-rent for 2 of the 3 months we lived there if we gave him the money right away (i.e., two weeks before it was due), presumably to buy booze. This relates to the thread in that 5 out of 7 nights (those nights when he wasn't passed out cold) he would blast Whitney Houston at top volume, "I Will Always Love You", to the wee hours of the morning. Now whenever I hear that song I go into a murderous rage (as if the song weren't bad enough by itself). After moving out we got an incoherent letter about how we'd abandoned him, addressed to "Miss Bitch and Mr. Bastard." That was in 1996. He's probably dead by now.
  • Sorry 'bout that, but I couldn't remember your real names.
  • el_hombre - have I got the remix for you! It's 'Can't get you out of my head' (Kylie Minogue), but with even more pared down lyrics, so that only the part you reference gets sung. At least at the end of the song she turns into a lesbian, with the words re-ordered to say "I just can't get my head to think about boys". As for me, I can't stand 'The Macarena', that song that goes "How bizzare, how bizzare", and all the oldies that Whoopi Golberg recorded with Jesus substituted for boy/man from 'Sister Act'. And yes, they actually get played on the radio occasionally. And any song that is hyper-patriotic, but modern enough not to use language like "'tis of thee".
  • "If I was Invisible" by Clay Aiken (spelling?) Which features the brilliant line "If I was invisible/I'd be the smartest man." What?
  • yentruoc: please say you're kidding. pretty please?
  • HA HA...nick, that had me laughing out loud...yeah, WTF? how does invisibility translate into heightened IQ?
  • Suzanne Vega's... I... can't remember the name, "Tom's Diner"? You know the one. is that the one that goes "do do DO do, do-do DO do, do do DO do, do-do DO do"? that one?
  • The Suzanne Vega song is probably 'my name is luca'. For some reason, I haven't deleted 'who let the dogs out' from my hard drive. I can't understand why.
  • el_hombre - Nope, I really do have said song on an mp3 player somewhere.
  • is that the one that goes "do do DO do, do-do DO do, do do DO do, do-do DO do"? that one? Actually, I <3 that song. Esp. the non-acapella remix.
  • I think that Suzanne Vega song is great, especially the 'bells of the cathedral' bit in the dancey version. It is 'Tom's Diner', and I for one think it rocks! Isn't the world a wonderfully diverse place?
  • This is the song that never eeeeends... It just goes on and on, my frieeeeeends... Some people started singin' it, Not knowin' what it was, And they'll just go on singin' it, Forever, just becaaaaaaaause... This is the song that never eeeeeeeeeends...
  • SimpsonsFilter: Wow, the interweb rules! I was about to post the snarky comment "Hooray for Everything!" ('Simpsons' reference) on another thread, when I found out that the annoying song said musical group sings is a real song from the disco era. Yikes! Had to share my joy with y'all.
  • quit BadgerBadgerBadgering me
  • I loathe britney spears, but "Toxic" is the ultimate earworm. it's the strings, the strings!
  • Yeah, it's the doo-doo-doo one. And I have nothing against those who like it, trust me. Not even saying it's a bad song. It just sneaks into my head and reverberates in there endlessly.
  • I can't think of any distinct songs that have done it to me in the past (even managed to dodge mothninja's badgers) but TenaciousPettle did it to me just now from another thread now has olivia netron bomb going through my head ... 'you better shape up cause I need a man ...' over and over again UGH!
  • I suppose you all *like* the Barney song? Brrrrr...
  • You bastard. You had to mention it, didn't you?
  • Mwa-ha-ha!
  • "you better shape up"....O NO! beeza! you suck!
  • waaaas an Itsybitsyeenieweenieyellowpolkadotbikini, that she wore....
  • yentruoc - that wouldn't be "Can't Get You Out Of My Shed" by Printed Circuit, would it? Or perhaps the Soulwax '2 many djs' version? I know I've heard the version you're talking about - but I've heard so many remixes of that song it's hard to remember which is which...
  • Oh, and: I'm a Barbie girl. In a Barbie world. Life in plastic. It's fantastic.
  • I hatehatehate that stupid song by Outkast. Hey-ya or whatever it is. But my friend doesn't care and still plays it when he DJs for competitions. I considered kicking him.
  • Personally, every time I hear Usher's "Confessions Part 2," I am overwhelmed with the urge to punch him in the face. And I'm not the kind of gal who goes around punching people in the face. Honest, I'm not.
  • One of my friends hated the "oooh-ahhh-only-at-mattress-giant" Jingle. It made her really mean.
  • flashboy - the soulwax one, I think. And has anybody else had on internal repeat that song that goes "Face down! A** up! That's the way I like to f***!" ? Not a song you want to be humming at work.
  • I'm constantly struck by earworms. I hate it, I'll sing a line from a song and then spend five minutes ranting about it. I got that Kylie song stuck in my head so often that I bought the CD in an attempt to flush it from my system. Probably the only way she made any sales. And now Tom's Diner is stuck in my head. What's more annoying is when the song's in a foreign language, but it still gets stuck. I have that problem with a song from the Moulin Rouge soundtrack, that's in French, and Nena's "99 Luftballons". And because I only know one or two lines, I just have to sing them over and over again.
  • Unless that's part of your work. In which case, humming is appropriate.
  • John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt, His name is my name too. Whenever we go out, The people always shout, John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt. Dah dah dah dah, dah dah dah That one is good for banishing earworms because it trumps all others. It's best when you hum it and just burst out with the "da da" part randomly.
  • tracicle - if you want to cure yourself of 99 Luftballoons, listen to the Nena/JayZ mash-up '99 Luft Problems'. It's hysterical, and you get more lyrics to sing. You can download it as part of a larger mix here, under 'SIXX MIXX 49 - 7/9/04 - MIDDLE-AGED EDITION'. It's the 13th track, but I don't think you can download it separately.
  • Oh, and the worst cloying, tooth-aching song I've heard in recent years is "The Christmas Shoes". It was even made into a TV special starring Rob Lowe.
  • Blast from the earworm past: Don't tell my heart, My Achy-Breaky heart, You know it wouldn't understand... Knock knock. Who's there? Billy Ray. Billy Ray who? Tough business, isn't it? ;)
  • Mr. Roboto. Anything by Rush. That uber-patriotic Charlie Daniels song from a year or two ago.
  • Oh, and that Mmmm-mmmm-mmmm-mmmm song sung by the ugly guy with the really deep voice. Wait a sec . . . Crash Test Dummies!
  • 'C' is for cookie. That's good enough for me.
  • You. Bastard.
  • That "Iko Iko" song by Belle Stars which was featured in the movie, Rain Man (saw it over the weekend) won't leave me alone. "Jockamo fee na neh...Jockamo fee na neh" Aaaaahhhhh!!!
  • I love 'C' is for Cookie! That little ditty picks me up every time.
  • "How bizzare, how bizzare..." (actually I like that song. Think I might play it now.)
  • It seems like anytime my brain isn't actively engaged I get one of five songs stuck in my head - here they go in order of most to least able to drive me insane: 1. Matchmaker from Fiddler On the Roof 2. The Love Boat theme song 3. I Dream of Genie them song 4. Mr. Sandman 5. Flintstones On occasion I am visited by another little ditty, but for as long as I can remember these are definitely the top 5 my brain likes to replay
  • Remember "Pretty Fly For a White Guy"?
  • Uno dos tres cuatro cinco cinco seis. Why yes. Yes, I do remember it. Now. As a crude form of retaliation, I riposte: Mmmbop, ba duba dop ba do bop, Ba duba dop ba do bop, Ba duba dop ba do. oh yeah, Mmmbop ba duba dop ba do bop, Ba duba dop ba do bop, Ba duba dop ba do Oh yeah, in an Mmmbop they’re gone. Yeah. You brought it on yourself, you really did.
  • Walk like an Egyptian is always playing when I go to the grocer. What's up with that.
  • I have a blue house with a blue window blue is the color of all that I we-ear blue are the streets and all the trees are too I have a girlfriend and she is so blue!
  • damn you middleclasstool. make it stop. this is the song that never ends. it just goes on and on, my friends...