November 11, 2004

Nice elephant you got there.
  • I think the kid has elephantiasis.
  • ha ha that's priceless, the kid looks in shock - for god's sake dad, don't put it on the internets.
  • If his buddies ever get a hold of this in a few years time, he's doomed.
  • Anatomy jumble: elephant.
  • Poor kid. Not only did his loving-but-deluded Mother dress him in a wonky costume, but his shit-head father put a picture on the web, and pointing out the .015% of the population that didn't notice, that the thing looked like an elephant's pecker instead of his trunk. Poor sibling-challenged kid. I'm sure he won't have brothers or sisters. His mother will never give his father sex again for posting this. That said, why didn't someone try to fix it?
  • Yer right, GramMa. After reading some of this guy's other stuff it's apparent that he is a major-league asshole. Poor kid indeed.
  • "His mother will never give his father sex again for posting this." Hmmm. Not sure I see your logic. Maybe she will give him more. I cite scientific evidence: 1. they have a child, as shown in photograph, proving that they have had sex at least once. 2. we don't know that the mother wasn't aware, perhaps even condoned the phallic nature of the 'elephant' costume. Her claims to her husband that is was an elephant may well have been a ruse. My theory is that she deliberately made her child resemble an elephant-hybrid-phallus either deliberately or unconsciously, both motivated by her desire for more cock. I put it to you that we cannot underestimate the deviousness of such a woman. The corollary of this is that it is the father who is the denier of sexual activity, probably due to his inordinate time spent upon internet design activities. What has a penis to do with an elephant? For one thing, elephants have very, very large penises. Secondly, there is a trick men can do with their genitals to imitate an elephant. I myself have performed this trick privately in intoxicated state for intimate aquaintances of the female gender. I will leave it to others to describe the details of this trick.. if they can. I am yours, The Elephantine Rampant Nostril D. Amus
  • My advice to the family: start a savings account for the inevitable therapy sessions...
  • Nostril, I guess that rules the pants-deprived Mr. Best out.
  • I don't think you have anything on these guys (NSFW: Man-ass, but nothing else I'm afraid)
  • Next halloween, dress you kid as a Republican...
  • How unfortunate for that kid.
  • I will leave it to others to describe the details of this trick You can use it to stuff hay up your ass? That's impressive.
  • Smallish Bear: You have my infinite respect and utter devotion for that comment. *dumps coffee from keyboard
  • That's excellent.. That kid even looks like a dickhead... how fitting.
  • THIS is why I love Mofi! *I thought the trick had something to do with spraying water, although I was thinking I'd skip the suck it up with the trunk part.
  • Sorry I'm late.
    After reading some of this guy's other stuff it's apparent that he is a major-league asshole.
    Big time.
  • Perhaps this year the child can regain some dignity.
  • ... guaranteed to make the kid flush.
  • truthfully, there's a certain crappy appeal to it
  • if a kid's pissed off and not lifting the lid remember that he's only a kid