November 08, 2004

java applet chess game that depicts piece range and possible move outcomes. this is very cool in a chess club/ai/geeky sort of way.

the goal of the piece is not to make an expert chess playing program but to lay bare the complex thinking that underlies all strategic thought.

  • Meh. Chess isn't nearly as cool a strategy game as Go.
  • That's really cool. It's kinda scary to have the superior thinking power of the computer (over me at least) so clearly demonstrated.
  • Nice link. For those chess fans out there, another option that'll give you a much stronger game: Jester. I'll forgive you those uncooth words, scartol.
  • It may not make an expert chess program but it still kicks my ass.
  • scartol - the complexity of go derives from (1) the size of the board and (2) the relative lack of rules. this makes it very different to model and simulate effectively but doesn't make it a "cooler" strategy game.