November 07, 2004

How to Bang Just About Any Object In Your House
  • Damn. It's been nice knowin' y'all, but that is the first sign of early posting dementia. I need a time out. See you in the new year.
  • Bang the drum slowly play the pipe lowly To dust be returning from dust we begin see ya
  • He went out with a bag, not a whimper.
  • bang! doh. Another incredibly witty quip floofed by crappy typing.
  • Fes, that's almost an ingenious pun -- see, cause a bag is an inanimate object and going out is an action which may lead to banging... do you see where I'm going with this? No? oh well. Anyway, Jerry, don't worry about it, the article you meant to post to is pretty hard to miss. Mildly amusing!
  • I banged Britney Spears too, and I totally concur. Dead, dead, dead.
  • bag, not a whimper I'm sorry, Fes, I can't help it. *convulses again*
  • "How to Eat Pussy Haven't got a clue? All the mysteries revealed! We guarantee earth shattering orgasms in as little as 3 weeks!" No doubt that is my favorite part. In my most inspired, endurance-filled performance, I could not possibly eat pussy for more than a week and a half.