November 05, 2004

You Are Here. And you thought that election dealy was something important.

Ahh perspective.

  • I remember doing a crude/primitive version like this in 1982 on a Terak 8510 running a CAD program called T-Square. The file had a detailed map of Tucson, but if you zoomed in enough on the Mount Lemmon road you would find a beer can. Zoom in more and you'd find an ant.
  • wow that sounds cool - I'd have liked to have seen it
  • What? You can see an ant anywhere, you goofus.
  • Hey - don't make me go to google! I'll do it! So help me I'll frickin' do it!
  • Just don't get antse. I mean antgirl. Whatever.
  • heheh - ) quidnunc - now, seriously . . where's the car?
  • Brooom brooom! Just drive me to the weekend, Captain Best! It's a Friday night (over here) and I needs me to find that beer can rolypoly was talkin' about. I shall drink to your health!
  • Well, the bad news is it's a virtual beer, and the contents leaked out of the wiremesh frame 22 years ago.
  • Now I mourn its loss. Behold, an impending rise in the sackcloth and ash markets! Now, where is my hair shirt, you nipple-grabbing bastards?
  • *tweak!*
  • In 1968, 'Power of Ten', one of the Eames' most influential films, is produced.
  • Me, I just want the piece of angel food cake. hoopy
  • )!
  • mmmmm, cake