November 03, 2004

Yup, four more years
  • Gee whiz, Spooky, we've already got - what? - three or four threads about the election!
  • and verily, i sayeth unto ye: a sign in the sky did foretelleth the monumental event (get used to religious symbolism, folks, we got four years of it coming)
  • Yeah, it was already posted in this thread.
  • 3 or 4 FPP but none that say how it ended. Also, MC-Tool I'm fairly certain I was talking about the US election, which, while it closely resembles a collapsing stage for a dylan show, is more like having sound problems during a Monkees reunion tour.
  • I just found out about Kerry conceding to Bush and I could not be more angry or disappointed in my party than now. This was not a fair election, we have nothing to concede and we should not be doing so now. If Kerry had any credibility he would not concede until several days from now, as Gore did not concede for several days in the last election. We do not have a fair and representative system, we have a rigged system. And if our candidate for president is so willing to concede so quickly in a rigged system, we have to honestly consider whether he and the party he represents is part of that rigged process. We have to acknowledge that our own party is knowingly and actively working against us, as well as media sources who are now conceding that 'we lost honestly and fairly'. It is not possible to lose in a rigged system. It is not possible to win in a rigged system either. It is not possible for democracy to exist in such a system if there is no fair and equal representation of all sides in the electoral process. We do live in a dictatorship and we need to acknowledge that. We have a sham for newsmedia, we have a sham for an opposing party. We have lived in a lie. Now we have to live in truth. Part of that truth is moving into the next part of what we’re going to do as a population. Do we revolt? Do we become involved in some other political party? What good would that do in a rigged system? Do we finally, ultimately, decide to leave the country and move to another land? Over two hundred years ago our founding fathers had to make a decision to do that when they realized they would never have the government that they desired, the freedoms they desired. Perhaps it is time for us all to make that decision ourselves. We also need to acknowledge that with this election being decided the way it has, with our candidate conceding defeat so readily that the world itself will not stand by without taking action. Kerry was the world’s hope and he let us, and the world, down. We are alienated across the world like never before and with the results of this election it is going to become far, far worse. Other countries are bound to start using our bad economy against us, which means that we can look forward to more job losses, more wage stagnation, more of a descent into a third world country, and ultimately a pain and suffering so deep and pervasive that no matter how conservative or arrogant this country perceives itself it will ultimately have no choice but to submit to decency and fairness or be passed by and ignored.
  • nomen, watcha doin' postin' the same pic i did??? huhhhh????
  • SideDish: not the same pic, unless you posted it in another thread?
  • If Kerry had any credibility he would not concede until several days from now, as Gore did not concede for several days in the last election. We do not have a fair and representative system, we have a rigged system. And if our candidate for president is so willing to concede so quickly in a rigged system, we have to honestly consider whether he and the party he represents is part of that rigged process. (emp. mine) I'm starting to think along your lines, mk1. Maybe Nader was right. Maybe its time to drop the Democratic Party. They are clearly and so obviously incapable of putting up legitimate candidates who offer up a fight.
  • I say we get straight to the business of bribing the Electoral College. bush isn't elected president until the College sez so. We can still do this.
  • I think I'm going to run for city office in my next local election under the banner of the California Secessionists Party, whose letterhead and business cards I'll be designing this weekend. Who's with me?
  • Bush "You mean I won ? Then why did those folks in Ohio say this was the only way I'd get their vote!"
  • Let's not blame Bush OR Kerry for the results of this election..... We did this to ourselves, the majority of us didn't want Kerry....... Look around your office, home, neighborhood for the cause of this...
  • .
  • HuronBob, 90 percent of my neighbors went with me for kerry. i live in D.C. i'm trying to comfort myself with that today, walking down the street and saying to myself, "that person vote for kerry. so did she, and he." because, well, nearly all of us did. not that it MATTERS AT ALL. hell, WE DON'T EVEN HAVE A CONGRESSMAN! taxation without representation! wheee!
  • I think I'm going to run for city office in my next local election under the banner of the California Secessionists Party You joke, but I'll be spending the next four years working on state's rights issues. Especially since the rest of the US seemed to have morphed into something I no longer recognize as home.
  • taxation without representation! My neighbor has the idea that if a million or so lefties -- too many for the government to deal with -- were to refuse to pay their federal income tax, then he and his ilk would finally have a real voice. Of course, that'll be the day that monkeys come flying out of my butt.
  • Dear Indiana, Ohio, Florida, Virginia, Nevada, Arkansas, et al, WHAT THE FUCK is wrong with you?!? Sincerely, Wedge
  • hawthorne, I love you.
  • Monkeyfilter: that'll be the day that monkeys come flying out of my butt. I couldn't resist.
  • Hawthorne, I know people who don't pay any federal taxes, they're called "the poor". I'd be willing to bet there will be more recruits coming in any day now.
  • Kerry's giving his speech on the radio. It's pretty good.
  • I'm listening to Kerry's speech. It is pretty good. But I'm going to get up and turn it off now.
  • We are alienated across the world like never before and with the results of this election it is going to become far, far worse. Other countries are bound to start using our bad economy against us, which means that we can look forward to more job losses, more wage stagnation, more of a descent into a third world country Do you mean to say it may result in your being put on par with the majority of the rest of the world?
  • Kerry is rolling over. I feel betrayed.
  • Screw Washington! Screw Ottawa! Time for Cascadia!
  • Hawthorne, I'm with you on California Secession (although there was an article in Popular Science I read while into the hospital on how the Feds could squelch a California Civil War, even if we got control of the local military bases - strangely, it never ended up on popsci's website). If you want to design a logo, I'll pay for a domain name and use some of my surplus web space (although I'll want help building the site). May be a good way to work off the frustration, and it couldn't be any more futile than working inside the political system as it now stands.
  • With Washington and BC in the mix, you'd think the national flag would have a Cannabis sativa leaf on it. Maybe a skull and crossbones as well, to scare the neighbors.
  • Bush is speaking, the crowd chanting madly *four more years, four more years*, it is surreal to watch and hear.
  • Hawthorne and Wendell...Just join the rest of us in SF. We've already seceded. (Shhh...don't tell too many people; wouldn't want it too crowded here.)
  • Nobody messes with the Sasquatch Militia!
  • A funny thought I had this morning: Was this all b/c of gay marriage, specifically the initiative on the ballot in OH? Which is kind of interesting, if that's what's really important to those people- Because personally, I'm a fairly skilled worker, I'll be OK financially. None of my friends or family are joining the army and getting killed. I'll be fine. The sky did not fall on me this morning. But it seems to me the wonderful people of the red states have really fucked themselves over this time, all so gay people cant use the word "marriage" but can have a civil union which is the exact same thing. Hope it was worth it, folks.
  • moneyjane, I am down with that. Let me pack up my family and get the hell out of Arkansas. We'll meet you there in a few days. With our army of Sasquatchasusses, we shall rule the WORLD!
  • gay people cant use the word "marriage" but can have a civil union which is the exact same thing Actually, in several of the states they can't have civil unions, or even domestic partnerships in some cases.
  • Zanshin, I'm *in* San Francisco, and I just watched employers get off the hook for having to pay for health insurance for employees. Maybe all the paperwork for our independence hasn't gone through yet.
  • drjimmy11 Sadly I believe that some of the gay marriage initiatives also explicitly banned civil unions, while others were so broad (OH) that they will likely be applied against civil unions in the future....
  • Ummm...what kirkaracha said...
  • It`s all over, but the crying,, oh yea and that little nuclear war as the final terror warning for those not ready to sell their souls for phony peace.
  • With our army of Sasquatchasusses, we shall rule the WORLD! Calling all monkeys! White courtesy telephone for all monkeys! You're all invited. Bring bananas; we already have dope and coffee.
  • Well, I for one, would like to welcome our illustrious President back into office. These are going to be some exciting times, people. Enough with this complacency and high falootin' living we've all been enjoying for so many years. With random terror attacks, sudden unemployment, and no financial plan for the future, these things will keep us on our toes, and all the while, we won't have to worry about our moral values, because the church government will do it for us! YAY!!!!!! FOUR MORE YEARS!!!!
  • Okay, for those of you who need a little distraction from the doom and gloom, a little self-link. Proving my assertation that while a stopped clock is correct twice a day, a clock running backwards is right twice as often... or in the case of Fox, on Sunday Nights.
  • Was this all b/c of gay marriage I had the same thought this morning. I was wondering if the election would have gone differently had the homosexuals suing for marriage licenses in Boston, etc., just held off for a year. With the sodomy laws in Texas being struck down by the Supreme Court, people were giddy thinking "At last, people are ready to acknowledge our rights!" Obviously that was an error in judgement. Did they push for too much, too fast? I'm afraid that may be the case. Let me say I have multiple gay friends and relatives, and voted against the amendment in my state and displayed provocatively anti-amendment material in my cube at work. I think marriage SHOULD be a right for everybody of whatever orientation. But I'm just wondering whether if they'd waited until there was a friend of theirs in power (in a non-election year) if they might have gained more. The country is going fucking backwards. Hold on to your temporal integrity, and welcome to the 19th Century. Sad, but I fear, true.
  • Oh, and fuck it. Halo 2 comes out next week. Without a doubt much more important than the fate of this measly rock. w00t, bitches!
  • Was this all b/c of gay marriage I had the same thought this morning. I was wondering if the election would have gone differently had the homosexuals suing for marriage licenses in Boston, etc., just held off for a year. With the sodomy laws in Texas being struck down by the Supreme Court, people were giddy thinking "At last, people are ready to acknowledge our rights!" Obviously that was an error in judgement. Did they push for too much, too fast? I'm afraid that may be the case. Let me say I have multiple gay friends and relatives, and voted against the amendment in my state and displayed provocatively anti-amendment material in my cube at work. I think marriage SHOULD be a right for everybody of whatever orientation. But I'm just wondering whether if they'd waited until there was a friend of theirs in power (in a non-election year) if they might have gained more. The country is going fucking backwards. Hold on to your temporal integrity, and welcome to the 19th Century. Sad, but I fear, true.
  • On the agenda for tonight: 4 more beers.
  • Monkeyfilter: that'll be the day that monkeys come flying out of my butt Hee hee, Bratcat Those of us who wanted Bush out--we need to not look upon this as a failure. Now we have four MORE years to try to impeach the bastard!
  • *waves homemade sign, chants* Four more beers! Four more beers! Four more beers!
  • On the upside, we can take some solace in the knowledge that Bush can NEVER run for president again. If we can just survive the next four years, we won't have to look at his smirking face anymore...barring more amendments. *shudder* FOUR MORE BEERS! FOUR MORE BEERS!
  • I'm having an orgy at my place tonight, to try to cheer up after all this bad news. Four more queers! Four more queers!
  • if you find yourself in favor of mongeese who live in the african grasslands, then... you're for meers! if i had any beer, i'd be drinking it...
  • If your town is being overrun by those pinko commie Odocoileus, then D'oh! Some deers!
  • Was this all b/c of gay marriage, specifically the initiative on the ballot in OH? One theory I've heard is that yes, inadvertantly this was all because of the gay marriage ban initiatives in the swing states. Bush introduced this issue nine months ago, even though he doesn't really care about it one whit, and carried it long enough to put it on the ballots in the swing states. This encouraged the ultra right wing conservatives to get to the polls to "protect" themselves from those heathen gays and oh yeah, while they're there they'll put in a vote for Bush. Rove delivers the 4 million conservative votes he promised and Bush wins the election. Pardon me while I puke.
  • I'm not convinced this situation is so much worse. Kerry's retoric was filled with allusions to a violent war on terror, he didn't take a strong stand at all on the Patriot Act, and he didn't oppose Extraordinary Rendition. If he were elected it is likely that he would have had to institute a draft anyway, he'd have to raise taxes, and he'd have to face problems with the EU and our dwindling resources. Maybe now if the Bush supporters don't have their struggle against the left to addle their brains they may realize that Bush really is a reprehensible human being or at least grow to distrust politicians a little more once Bush has to ask the American people to take on the repracutions of his wrecklessness. Also, people are getting involved in politics in numbers that haven't been seen in a long time, if we overthrew the tyrant, do you think that momentum would have a chance at lasting? Of course, I say all this being uneligable for the draft, but its still kind of comforting...its probably less the downfall of the American Empire as long over due growing pains. I could be very wrong though.
  • Guess how I ended up Canadian? My stepdad dodging the draft last time around. Deja vu all over again. Seriously though...I'm scared of the next four years. I think the world will be very different by then, and Bush having crowned himself God's Chosen Eternal Leader of the Righteous Land will be the least of our problems. When Arafat dies, duck, because it's gonna hit.
  • On a more cheery note, make some faces. It's an oldie, but fun, and if you download this you can send it to your pictures file. Possibly good for self-portraits in the Mofi Flick'r group. I'll see if I can put mine up there.
  • I for one am glad Bush won. Now the so-called Democrats can go back to what they do best—stabbing each other in the back. I on the other hand can finally follow the advice of my good Friend who fled USSR when it fell—to tune out politics completely. I'll never vote or listen to a politician again. When they ask for my papers, I'll show them my middle finger, my gun, or a clean pair of heels. When they come to draft me, I'll go underground. It's possible to evade the KGB if you play your hand well. /still badly hungover.
  • My plan is almost complete! In a couple years my puny Canadian Dollars will be worth millions of your US warbucks and I'll finally be able to afford my army of unstoppable robot monkies! Canada always wins! Muahaha!
  • Took me awhile, but I added my cartoon self-portrait to the Monkeyfilter Flick'r group. C'mon, I want to see y'all as cartoon people! Take our minds off this craziness for a bit.
  • I already live life as a caricature, mj. But I'll try to come up with something! As a lifelong republican who jumped camps in this election, I spent the day feeling pretty morose. Then it dawned on me that maybe some of the wild-eyed old farts in this administration will get that their "values" do not align with mine, and that I am a very valuable resource if they want to be taken seriously by me and other moderates like me in the future. I truly will hold the repubs accountable for their actions, and I hope they have taken the null-mandate (NOT a landslide) seriously and will clean up their sloppy act. I think there are a growing number of us conservatives who, failing a reigning in of the religious and other deceptive shit, will defect to, and revitalize the democratic party. Those of us with brains do not like to be taken for granted. Plus, by and large, we are not inbred.