November 03, 2004

11 states approve ban on gay unions. even "progressive" blue states like oregon. "Basic human rights should not be put up for a popular vote."

i'm starting to the think that if the all-encompassing republican media apparatus of the united states had been in place 40 years ago, the whole civil rights movement could have been nipped at the bud.

  • In our state the words "or any similar union for any purpose" was on it. It makes me enraged. En-fucking-raged that people would vote, willingly, to change the constitution of our state to limit rights of individuals. Also, I hate, hate, hate it when people say that this is a gay marriage issue. Because it's not entirely. I personally will be affected by the proposal that passed, because domestic partnerships afftect straight couples as well who don't want to marry and all of the weight that comes along with it, but still would like the benefits that are afforded to people who have an intertwined household. And actually, in most states, these measures affect heterosexual couples much more than gay couples, since gay unions are already illegal under the state laws. What these proposals have done is limit rights and give precidence in these states to ammend their constitutions to limit rights and discriminate. These proposals passing make me so angry I could spit bullets.
  • Can a state, like say Nevada, pass a ballot measure saying they won't officially recognize driver's licenses from out of state? If not, I dont see much difference in refusing to recognize an out of state driver's license and an out of state marriage license (or certificate or whatever).
  • "These proposals passing make me so angry I could spit bullets." I could too. This is not the America I love. Freedom and civil rights have become a joke.
  • this really is intrusive and meanspirited and scabby and wanky legislation. what the fuck should somebody care how i or others establish a home? however, it's another carefully constructed wedge issue that got the hardline it's-my-inalienable-right-to-interfere-with-others'-lives voters out in droves.
  • Mr. Knickerbocker, DOMA and supreme court precedent has concluded that marriage is not covered under the full faith and credit clause. So while they couldn't pass a measure not recognizing driver's licenses, they can pass one against recognizing other state's marriages, 14th Amendment be damned.
  • One day, I hope, the country will look back at this in shame.
  • One day, I hope, the country will look back at this in shame. And then make some movies about it. Its the American way.
  • Yeah, so I'm trolling the internets this AM, surveying the damage, and I come across this choice tidbit from our favorite Log-Cabin Republican Andrew Sullivan: The past is the past. And George W. Bush is our president. He deserves a fresh start, a chance to prove himself again, and the constructive criticism of those of us who decided to back his opponent. He needs our prayers and our support for the enormous tasks still ahead of him. He has mine. Unequivocally. And I have to let out a little snort, because if there was one clear message the electorate sent yesterday, it was this: STFU, Faggot. And get to the back of the bus.
  • This is just the start of what will become the American version of the Nuremberg Laws for GLBT citizens. When will our Kristallnacht come, I wonder?
  • God, this election is fucked. I can't believe that the religious right has such a hold on America, and I can't believe that so few people are embracing the values on which this country was built. The reason why we're not a strict democracy is so that the majority can't vote to remove the rights of the minority! That message didn't seem to get through, did it? Fuck you, homos! Any monkeys in Europe wanna sponsor me over there for a couple of years? I'm a fantastic cook...
  • You know, the Nazis had pieces of flair that they made the Jews wear.
  • Okay, that made me laugh.
  • I think I'm going to head out for some Extreme Fajitas and chase it down with some Pizza Shooters and Shrimp Poppers and a bottle of vodka.
  • As a single heterosexual, I wish all you heteros in a relationship would stop flaunting it. I don't go around flaunting my singleness! (In fact I would probably get thrown in jail for flaunting my singleness in public) If any polititian in America had a spine they would introduce legistlation outlawing divorce or marriage entirely as a statement of how stupid and hateful these laws are. "Marriage isn't natural! Animals don't get married! They don't even have priests!"
  • I was watching the Arkansas measure pass by 75% last night, and I got so angry I could barely see. I expected it would pass, but the fact of it just hit me harder than I thought. Members of my immediate family are gay. (Yes, plural.) I know for a fact they did not choose it. What I heard from my country last night was that a majority of people hate my family members for a reason that they can't control and wouldn't have chosen if it had been a choice. It's just so wrong it sickens me physically. I know people are always throwing out comparisons to the civil rights movement--I would never presume to make that comparison, because I can't even imagine it, but one has to admit that even if the two things may not be analogous, there are striking parallels. I don't know what I'm saying. I'm working on 4 1/2 hours of sleep. I just don't know what it's going to take to make things better. I'm very sad for my family, my children, and all of my fellow Americans' children--especially (but not limited to) the ones who will be gay.
  • A touch of perspective: in the 60s, the 'liberal' state of California overwhelming passed a proposition repealing Fair Housing (anti-discrimination) laws in the state. It was later thrown out by the 'activist' judges we had in those days. Just sayin'.
  • Even more than the presidential election, this result makes me almost ashamed to call myself an American today.
  • I've said it in a couple of threads today. And i'll say it one more time. Republicans, and all those that vote for Republicans are bigots. Full Stop. Oh, and they also are in favor of torture.
  • Republicans, and all those that vote for Republicans are bigots. Full Stop. okay, but the question of staying the fuck out of others' bedrooms goes deeper than democrat/republican. arkansas, georgia, kentucky averaged 3-1 in favor of interfering with a person's choice of life partner but *averaged* 3-2 in favor of rich texan-easterner versus rich eastern-easterner... so somewhere along the line there's a bunch of people who liked the eastern-easterner but also like to interfere in their neighbors' sex lives.
  • Oh, I'm all about equal opportunity. But I think what must be paid attention to is official party platforms, public statements, and actual legislation. There are both democrats and republicans who wear tinfoil hats. But that isn't the party platform. Both are squamish about gay marriage, but the is considerably a lesser of two evils.
  • I cannot fucking believe it. I'm a Portlander, which is one of the three most liberal cities in the entire nation if not the most liberal, and Oregon passed this. We had record voter turnout, I think in Multnomah county (the city itself) there was 90% turnout. Portland has one of the largest per capita number of gay couples in the US. 90% turnout, and we still passed a constitutional amendment defining marriage as only between a man and a woman, and denying same sex couples such basic rights as hospital visits, wrongful death suits, and lifesaving. medical deicisions. I cannot fucking believe it. I am absolutely ashamed to be an american today. I'm not even angry, I'm just terribly sad. I think I'm going to leave the country, I'm considering renouncing my citizenship. Republicans, and all those that vote for Republicans are bigots. Full Stop. Truer words have not been spoken about this vote and the state of today's political parties. Let's spread this, make this the talking point. Fuck massachusetts liberal, spendthrift, whatever the gop comes up with. Republicans, and all those that vote for Republicans are bigots. Full Stop.
  • Yes, because if you're not with us, you're against us. Or something.
  • Republicans are not bigots. Americans are bigots. I don't know if you've noticed, but we are a Republican country.
  • I am not a bigot, unfortunately I am an american. Republicans, and all those that vote for Republicans are bigots. Full Stop.
  • You're trying to distinguish shades of black. Americans are bigots. They are all the same.
  • Today's Mofi brought to you by an angry guy with a hangover.
  • My province's reaction to same-sex marriage? C'est la vie, more or less.
  • You're right Wolof, I'm overreacting. Sorry. It is my nature to see everything in the worst possible light. The gritty saltiness in my mouth is just dried tears, not mud and sweat of my fellow draftees in the trenches of Baghdad. As of now I am still seated comfortably in my home, fairly safe and healthy. I shall curse my country and bemoan my fate when an insurgent's AK-47 grants me the distinction of an unreported war-statistic. Until that happens I am just being a selfish, grieving bastard. Please excuse the anger and despair. I'll skip the apology FPP.
  • I'm not saying I mind it!
  • How's this? Fuck 'em. Let them ban it. State rights, and all. Let them ban it, and then see what happens - the emigration to other states, the economic losses, the brain drain, the rapid degeneration from having even the slightest pretension towards being modern, being attractive to investors, being anything other than a slowly dying backwater. You might not be able to decide who controls the country, but you can both shape your state and choose your state. Why bother seceding? Just ignore the fuckers. I am aware that things like practicality, taxes and Oregon fuck this argument up a bit, but I wanted to make it anyway. The gritty saltiness in my mouth is just dried tears... This is the sound of me refraining from making a joke.
  • Andrew Sullivan has been getting some lovely emails.
  • Well, if there was ever a time to consider putting your money where your mouth is, this could be it. Some helpful links: The American Civil Liberties Union Human Rights Campaign National Gay and Lesbian Task Force
  • This is the sound of me refraining from making a joke. Why?
  • Because he's classy that way.
  • Also I write really small.
  • Yay for Saskatchewan.