November 02, 2004
US stem cells tainted by mouse material.
"The stem cell lines available for federally-funded research in the US have characteristics which mean they may never be used for medical treatments in humans, a new study suggests."
This is probably very bad news for George W. Bush. </kneejerk>
This is probably no big deal for George W. Bush, since it won't make the news by tomorrow, and people will still be wondering why CNN keeps showing the OBL video again and again.
Enjoy your dark ages, folks. Meanwhile, I'll be getting my new teeth and bones courtesy of countries where medical science is less subject to the whims of people who believe the Earth is 6000 years old and π is 3.
Someone aborted a mouse?
π is 3 Actually, π = ln(-1)/i.
(chortles gently at fuyugare's joke)
damn mousies. oh and BTW my best pal is a neuroscientist and this was her response to the article: Initially, the only way that the human embryonic cells could be grown were on a "feeder layer" of mouse cells. This is scientific fact, has been known in the community for some time, yet has been inadequately characterized in certain portrayals of the promise of certain stem cell lines. "Feeder-free" lines are now available and are being used in other countries, as well as most likely in private industry in the US.
Stem Cells Take on Tumors
California approves $3 billion for stem cell research
The Stem Cell Gold Rush
The Times on Prop 71 Can Science Stand Four More Years?
Clone Ban Unlikely to Pass Senate
I got your mouse embryonic stem cells right here! and they're free!
UN Nears Showdown on Pact to Ban Stem Cell Study
homunculus: I hope the US doesn't mind if other parts of the world shows the UN the same respect on this issue that the US regime have in recent years.
Explaining Majority Support for Stem Cell Research: Did Communication Efforts Trump Moral Values in 2004?
rodgerd: I certainly hope the world does ignore the UN and US on this one if it passes.
Cancer stem cells produce brain tumours
Wisconsin to Invest in Stem Cells
U.N. Deadlocks on Cloning Ban
Democrats Grow Spine From Stem Cell
And now, a solution: Of Stem Cells and Neanderthals: Closing the Circle More details: New Embryonic Stem Cell Lines Created But Bush doesn't like it: Bush Blasts Human Clone Research
Have any other NZers heard anything about the kiwi woman who recently got stem cell treatment in China for ALS? I've been looking for updates as to her condition but can't find anything.
Stem Cells Help More Mice Walk
so far, so good...mice walk again, so others can, too, some day -- if intention's all, then scientists may accrue good karma in this way but what about the mice? presumbaly ignorant of the cause for which they were paralized and cured (and presumably without consent) they lacked intention; simply endured since their lives were so bent I think the same karma must accrue to them who served, in this case, as adjuncts of men
Stem Cells Help Paralyzed Rats Walk
Stem Cells Fix Brains of Neurologically Doomed Mice
Mom's Going to Flip
I LOLed. Scientist son-in-law's getting a T-shirt for Christmas!
Scientists Create Healthy Mice Using Eggs Made From Stem Cells