November 01, 2004

Leave it to Bush #2 - I've been waiting for this. I cackled my ass off at the first Leave it to Bush, so much so that I now have no ass, & constantly claim to own two ferrets called Jesus & Slasher. This one features Fearless Leader with Bill Cosby. In space. Voices by Bill Cosby & George W. Bush. Cartoon by Ken McIntyre with music by The Go! Team.

Can you see the Fnord?

  • AWESOME Not as good as the original though BUT STILL AWESOME I AM DRUUUUUNK
  • Yeah the fnord was a nice touch
  • Stop trolling you bastard
  • I aim to be drunk in about 12 hours or so.
  • About 5 hours for me. Yippeee!
  • T-4 hours till I set sail from Drunk to Surly. Right after my Calc2 exam. Parametric equations... YummY.
  • So fucking drunkl Stillf tuyping pretyytu well though,
  • I shave a hugre coick
  • have
  • Troll.
  • destination uuhuuhn uknonwn ruby rubnyur rubry ryby soho
  • Why must people exclaim on the internets "Duuuuuude... I'm so high...." or "Man, I'm soooo drunk.." That's great. I'm glad you're stoned/drunk/ etc. w00t! I shave a hugre coick hugre
  • Why must people exclaim on the internets "Duuuuuude... I'm so high...." You must get high to understand this. Meanwhile, fucktards have hijacked my man Nostril's thread. Death is too good for them. But I'll kill them anyway
  • Hopefully by now he's passed out and we can actually retrieve the tattered shreds of dignity this thread could potentially have had. ActuallySettle, I seriously recommend you make your own blog for this next time. Or get AOL messenger.
  • I'd have to agree that the first episode is better than the (still funny) 2nd one. There's just something about cute little ferrets gaping in horror at the mention of impending ass sex, I mean....erm... *waves hand like Jedi* The tragic events of September the 11th, 2001.
  • I too enjoyed the first one immensely, but this second one doesn't tickle me as much. The audio-editing in the first one was sublime.
  • Oooooh what can I say? What can I say to help you through this? first one had better music, but the ass-kicking continues. thanks Nosey!
  • also, the breathing-noises sort of cut down on the audio-editing goodness.
  • Monkeyfilter?: Tattered shreds of dignity? Thanks, Nostril, I'll add this to the mass-mailing I intend to send to every Republican, former-Republican, maybe-Republican, and Democrat in the world tonight, along with the President of the Apes videos and richiebush toons. While I'm getting drunk, as I have no weed and it's a fuck of a time to not. And I intend to stay drunk until I find out who the next president is. I can only hope that it doesn't take until December this time.
  • Yeah I don't have any weed, either, & it pisseth me off.
  • I would think weed would be a bad idea, this night is not going to end smoothly. Better to be in a condition to deal with the anxiety. As for the cartoon, I liked this one a lot. He tried some new things, and he didn't pull it off as adroitly, but I laughed till it hurt. The confusing audio makes for good rewatching anyway...
  • I have weed. Bwahahaha!
  • Somebody call Guinness. I'm about to go from 0 to drunk in twenty dollars. Thanks for the link, Nostrildamus.
  • The penis jokes were better last time. But I do feel for poor George.
  • I liked the look of horror on bill cosby's face when the prez removed his space-helmet, and the short cut ending. Reminds me of the end of an american werewolf in london.
  • No. Weed would be good. Nice, Wolof. Reeeal nice.
  • Just stop talking about weed. If I think about it, it makes me crave it. If I just ignore it, I don't crave it. Please stop talking about it!
  • #3
  • Brilliant!
  • Pretty good!
  • Awesome (perhaps NSFW, depending on how your boss feels about talking penii). Props to the h-dogg fuh represein'in