October 29, 2004

TV Ad Trivia Quiz. 10 questions. Another short & painless trivia quiz. Test your TV Ad memory. 7 out of 10 correct is supposed to be good. I got an 8. (I have no life.)
  • Ah hell, I got 'em all right. Talk about not having a life.
  • bobbo, after your having posted five consecutive links to mindbluff.com, I note that this is your second link in a row to quizstop.com, which appears to be closely related to mindbluff. Is there any particular reason for this?
  • bobbo11 is simple?
  • bobbo11 knows what he likes, and likes what he knows. Would I be correct in thinking that this is based on American TV ads? In which case, how the hell did I get 6 right?
  • it's all about the "classy legs"
  • Or should I say classylegs.
  • Not only did I get all ten questions right, I found an error. Question 7: The York Peppermint Patty slogan should be "Taste the Sensation," not "Get the Sensation." Yes, I am preparing a noose as I type this.
  • Dammit bobbo11, nuff with the spam already.
  • I haven't owned a television in over three years; haven't watched it with any regularity for over 10, and I got 8 out of 10 correct. I think those who claim they have no life are underestimating how pervasive television is in our culture. It is, simply put, inescapable. I haven't even seen several of the ads in question, and I still got most the answers correct. Relax. In other words, don't rate your loserhood on this one quiz. True, you may still be a loser (I am!), but not because of this. So don't finish up that hangman's knot just yet.
  • I was going to ask TSH the answer to the Rolaids question, because I missed that one, but then decided I didn't need to know. really.
  • That popup-after-each-question was so incredibly annoying. Couldn't it just wait until the end to tell me how much I sucked/ruled and then give me the correct answers?
  • I'm a "TV ad ace." *kills self*
  • I got seven.
  • Anything to say, Bobbo? Otherwise I'm-a disabling your account.
  • They stick in our head because they are successful slogans. It isn't just a TV thing, I remember some of that stuff from radio and print media too. Slogans are supposed to be catchy. And damned difficult to get rid of. You know its the real thing because it sticks. I'd like to teach the world to sing in perfect harmony.
  • Otherwise I'm-a disabling your account. I'm-a glad you back, Ms Hope.
  • It could be just a case of hanging around somewhere a lot. I know on mefi I'm constantly posting links via this crazy lavendar site I like. (It's not just a conspiracy to up mofi's value on Blogshares, though we did take a huge hit when we changed hosts, because of broken links on other people's sites.)
  • I have to agree with douggles. I've not owned a TV for...well, a long time. And I largely stopped watching in the late 1980s, yet the questions were mostly simple ones for me. So where's the exclusivity to the television in getting the messages out? I scored 10 of 10. Bogus test yields bogus results. This is so inaccurate, just like so many on the internet tests. The last quiz I took said I was like Laffy Taffy, what in my personality profile would indicate that? I'm *so* Gobstoppers!
  • I got nine. But I guessed on the Rolaids question, and got it right. So I only actually KNEW eight of them. As if that makes me any less of a loser.
  • I missed the last one...I don't remember any of those 4 ads. What was the correct answer?
  • The one with the mummy with popcorn. Apparently there's never been an ad like that. Got 9, had no idea about the second question.
  • Bleh, only got 6. Shameful. Speaking of TV commercials...in a recent ad for Trivial Pursuit 90's Edition, a bunch of 90's celebrities (Kato Kaelin, Dustin Diamond, Traci Bingham, etc.) climb out of a time capsule. I recognize them all except for the old lady in the nightgown. Does anyone know who she is? It's driving me mad.
  • Maybe the "I have fallen and can't get up" granny?