October 29, 2004

Brain scanners can probe your politics

And all this time I thought a simple IQ test could settle it...

  • It's a pity they were not more subtle than this - for exmaple, asking the people their vital statistics after the scanning was done. It would be amazing to have a database of this kind of results online, to see where trends lie, and how they affect people. I want to know more!
  • Can't you already do the same kind of thing using the Voight-Kampff test?
  • Ugh. I'm so ashamed that I scored a 10/10 after 4 pints of hoppy beer. Then again, if I were truly ashamed, I most likely would not have posted my KICK ASS SCORE!!!11!!!1ONE!! w00t! for my lazy-assed Americanism!
  • after 4 pints of hoppy beer. *sniggers*
  • Hey Frecklefaerie, is it possible that your four pints of hoppy beer have caused you to post your TV trivia score on this, a thread about brain scans? Or alternately, will I suddenly understand your comment if I too consume four hoppy beers?
  • I think scoring 10/10 on a political brain scan is something to be proud of. Indeed, once the cyborgs take over in the near future, it will be essential for survival.
  • From the article:
    And when voters were shown a Bush ad that included images of the Sept. 11 attacks, the amygdala region of the brain — which lights up for most of us when we see snakes — illuminated more for Democrats than Republicans. The researchers’ conclusion: At a subconscious level, Republicans were apparently not as bothered by what Democrats found alarming. Um, maybe the Democrats were alarmed by Bush's political use of 9/11 imagery, rather than by the 9/11 images themselves? Most of the article seems to establish only that people react differently to a candidate they dislike than one they like, which isn't exactly shocking. The most interesting part was that Kerry supporters react differently to Kerry than Bush supporters do to Bush. But, again, that's not too surprisingly; Bush and Kerry are very different people, and one would expect their supporters to like different things about them.