October 27, 2004
Voat Goat!
[8.39M QT movie]
*groan* "Vote"
I got confused by the ballot and I think I may have accidently voted for "goatse".
holy crap! Once again, i have wet myself in terror. Cleanup on aisle 6!
I don't know what I just saw, but it might be the Best Thing Ever.
I saw this same cartoon in my mind the first time I took acid... Except the goat was telling me to kill my parents. Awesome post, Token.
My Pet Go-Go-Goat.
I was waiting for W to show up at any moment, reading a book. Meh.
Another victory for the Internets. That closing image is priceless.
what the hell did I just watch? I love it. google to the rescue with wtf this is
Fair and Balanced!
Make it load faster!
that's what she said!
Vote Goatse
Opie the goat is now out of office in Anza, but across the U.S., other communities have elected animals as their honorary mayors.