October 26, 2004
As evidenced by some of my posts, I'm also a dweller at somethingawful.com. Here's their take on what the perfect theater would be. 1) Cellphone usage will be forbidden. Anybody caught even handling a cellphone will be forced to wear The Rainbow Assault for an hour. The Rainbow Assault is simply a pair of headphones that I bought at a garage sale in Lawrence, Kansas for 83 cents last year, a piece of highly advanced technology featuring a festive and decorative scene on the earpiece depicting what appears to be the Care Bears administering enemas to each other. The Rainbow Assault has the ability to spew out distorted sounds at volumes approaching 200 million decibels through a completely distorted and overloaded ear speaker manufactured by horribly insane Taiwanese engineers in the mid 1980s. If a repeat cellphone offender is caught again, we will upload a cell phone theme to their unit called "The Ring tone Virus," which, upon loading, murders the owner in seven days. Then we will attend their funeral and call each other on our phones, talking really loudly about "what Rebecca was wearing" at last night's party, despite the fact that we'll be standing less than five feet from each other. If one of their mourning parents complains about our behavior, we will all respond by playing the MIDI version of "My Boo" on our phones at once. 2) Any African American individual who shouts "funny" comments at the movie screen such as "YOU DUMB BITCH, DON'T OPEN DAT DOOR!" and "AW HELL NAW" will be forcefully strapped to a chair and escorted into the "Stereotype Reeducation Room," where we will attempt to help them break free from their painfully generic behavior featured in such hilarious standup comedy skits by Steve Harvey and every other black comedian in the history of history. It has become painfully apparently that black comedian stereotypes have developed into a self-fulfilling prophecy and it's simply impossible for some individuals to break free from the loud n' sassy moviegoing cliche they are commanded to conform to by every minority to ever walk into a spotlight. Treatment will be applied based on the effective methods demonstrated in "A Clockwork Orange," except the movie we force them to watch will consist of choice clips from "Friends" interlaced with stock footage of skinny white people playing football in the early 1900s with all those goofy pads and leather helmets. Any white people who shout at the movie screen will be summarily executed because, hey, white people watch movies LIKE THAT and black people watch movies LIKE THIS. 3) Popcorn will be sold with mandatory "chewing silencers," tiny little electronic devices which detect if a person is chewing with their cavernous 10-foot wide mouth open, showering surrounding patrons with moist corn particles and wads of saliva. If the chewing silencer detects an offender, it will spew a stream of dense caulking into their mouth, preventing it from opening for the next two hours. These chewing silencers will be both effective and environmentally safe, transforming into a harmless acid which will eat through human flesh and bone until it successfully oxidizes and, I don't know, turns into tree bark or something I guess.
sneaking out from office during lunch hour(s), erm, attending during matinees and other non-peak hours has quite a lot going for it. Almost empty places so you can find the seat you like, few annoyances... go with a friend, smuggle some tasty food: heaven. Hypothetical situation. No employees of ThePlaceFlagpoleWorksAt, Inc., have ever indulged in such corrupt practices. Ever.stupidestworst analogy I've ever heard. Technically a sidewalk is a public place, correct? Well, tonight in my neighborhood they're having a candlelight vigil for a boy that was killed in a hit and run. Me and my friends were going to hang out on the corner and drink beer tonight, but I won't let a little thing like a vigil stop me. Oh, and don't worry, I won't forget to bring the boombox. After all, it's public space. There's a time and place for certain social behavior, regardless of your surroundings. I think the reason that the murder rate in America is so high has nothing to do with gun availability or video games. It's the sheer amount of rude, arrogant, inconsiderate assholes that drive people to snap and kill people. I do realize that there will be people around when I go out in "public" I just find myself praying that I don't run into assholes. Who, by the way, should be cuffed and gagged before we let them out. Use your inside voice Knickerbocker.