October 23, 2004

The Henry Ford Letterman Top 10 (in association with Casey KAOL)...
The ten most influencial innovations of the past 75 years. Remember this is based on a poll of AOL users which explains Air Conditioning, Penicillin and Personal Computers as the top 3, but Global Positioning #4?!?
  • Air-conditioning?!? We (Americans) are a bunch of wusses.
  • Having had the misfortune to deal with AOL users in a tech support capacity (I was young, and I needed the money), most of them couldn't find their asses with both hands and a map. With GPS at number four, I'm assuming that this technology enables to locate their posteriors with little trouble and/or effort. As far as that list goes, I'm bitterly disappointed that the machine that creates the icing waterfall on the Krispy Kreme bakery line didn't make the cut. It's a wondrous thing to watch in action.
  • My wife, who worked AOL Tech Support several years ago, would agree wholeheartedly with your AOL comment. She still laughs at the famous line "my Internet is broken." The entry about cell phones was particularly poignant: "This innovation not only offers users a sense of security but has also raised expectations about the instant availability of other users." God, may I never work for any employer who assigns a cell phone to me.
  • Actually, I'd be really curious to see the complete list of the 75 options.
  • The Japanese, on the other hand,have very different priorities,
  • Kurosawa barely noses out Pokemon. Both finish well behind Instant Noodles and Karaoke. *laughs like a loon*
  • Hey, they use a picture of Internet in a box!@#, by SPRY, a company that packaged mosaic + some sort of winsock and sold them in, well, boxes. In stores. They were annihilated by Netscape one point oh.