October 22, 2004

D'you know what I have? - I got some Gmail invites with me. They are from a place of light.

The previous MoFi discussions on Gmail invites are not available right now. Please leave your requests for one of Nostril's 6 available Gmail invites at the sign of the Nose:

  • I have 6, too.
  • First come first served.. once my Star Wars Galaxies download is finished, I might not get to them a while, but I will invite the first 6 (I assume iguanapolitico will do the same). I don't know how we'll sort out who gets what, tho.
  • The sign of the nose is best viewed in Unicode character coding
  • I have a bunch too, I just figured you all had them already.
  • Google has pulled off the best viral marketing program ever.
  • I haven't got any. Nobody ever invites me *sniffles*
  • I have some too... but honestly, why doesn't Google just go ahead and open Gmail up to everybody? It's not like Gmail is very "exclusive" any more.
  • millionsman: I agree! It's silly at this point. Nostril: I see an X with a box around it. :)
  • millionsman: I would love to see the network-diagram I assume Google is making out of gmail memberships and invites. And the one that shows these non-connected "islands" that will appear when they finally do make membership public.
  • I've got a bunch too. Ask and ye shall receive.
  • I have some too for anyone who wants one. I don't know why Google doesn't open up membership either... it's a bit silly now because everyone I know has a gmail account and tons of invites. We can't give the things away.
  • hombre: that would be cool to see
  • Ok.. if you want one of mine, just post: 'Nostril, me please.' At some point later, I'll send it to the address in your profile. I don't wanna be sending them out to people who are getting them from the other monkeys. As it is Friday nite here in Oz, I am drinking beer, and getting squiffy, so don't confuse me. I am easily confused at the best of times. (Tonite I am drinking Heineken, which I must confess, is not as nice as I remembered it to be, even tho' I favour pilsner style lager.)
  • Same here. Hit me up if you want one.
  • I will give a free wedding dress with each Gmail invitation. :p Heiniken? Fuck that shit! PABST BLUE RIBBON! [/bluevelvet]
  • this site runs a gmail invite spooler--those who have, send to them. those who need, submit an email address. it eliminates the begging to take/give, and makes it easier for those of us who get confused
  • I do not want none. I would like to not have one. Thanks.
  • Just contact me through my web site and I'll hook you up. Only 5 remaining! Hurry! HURRY!!!!!
  • Gmail invites are not silly. It's called marketing. If Google simply launched Gmail from the get-go, everyone would have rushed to create an account, made an instant judgement, and said, "Huh? This isn't worth abandoning my existing web mail account." No, instead, they invite a large group of people under the guise of a thank you to its customers and call Gmail a beta program. Google leverages its great reputation as having revolutionized search engine market, thus creating a mystique that anything Google does will be gold. Then Google simply lets its existing Gmail users market the product themselves with invites. It's very simply the only way Google could hope to pull a significant number of people away from their existing addresses. "It's so exclusive you need to be invited into the secret club. It feels like everyone is receiving invites except me! Golly, Gmail must be fantastic! Someone invite me! I want an invite!" That attitude is exactly what Google needs to push people to abandon an existing e-mail account in favor of Gmail. People *do not* like changing e-mail addresses. The Gmail invite program is a mastermind of marketing genius. I, for one, was excited when I grabbed my first invite last month, then was sorely disappointed that Gmail didn't live up to the hype. I'll stick with my existing web e-mail account until Google produces a better product.
  • hmmm...I dont have a gmail account yet. (*sniff*) I'll have to see if I can find something to bribe the Nose...
  • /returns after reading all the comments.... ahem...NUKNOSTRIL ME! (ew...)
  • Dammit. After calling Jerry out for breaking the one-a-day rule, now I feel like I have to be consistent or something. Fine. Ahem... Nostril, You Too Have Broken the One-A-Day-Rule. This sucks, I'm done calling people out for dumb things.
  • iguana: it was a great idea to release gmail the way they did, for all the reasons you stated. I'm just saying that now, 6 months later, it seems silly to me that they haven't gone ahead and opened it up to everyone. As for the quality of Gmail, I think it's by far the best email program I've ever used web-based or otherwise. I'll never go back to my old email accounts.
  • I got six invites. email me at my user name @gmail.com if you want one.
  • dammit, jccalhoun, why do you always jump on and say exactly what I was gonna say? So I must say again: what jccalhoun said. (awww... you know I love ya...)
  • I ♥ Gmail, but I'd ♥ it way more if you could access it directly from a mail program like Eudora or Outlook. They did just add forwarding, but it sounds like it may be temporary, and it's just not quite the same. That symbol should be a little heart for those whose browsers don't like that entity code.
  • me too!!! email me at my username @gmail.com and i will be most happy to invite.
  • holling: you're absolutely right. millions: you're absolutely right. I don't know what's up with the rest of these gmail-poopooers. It's absolutely the best web based e-mail system I've used. (Keyboard commands! Absolutely lightning-fast speed!) I still use my own domain for my primary e-mail account, but really only because I've been using it since 1996. I still have 5 left, and would absolutely love to get rid of them.
  • I have 6, if anyone wants one. It seems as if most monkeys have gmail already, but I have 6 invites, well actually 12 since I have 2 accounts. Each account now has 6 invites for me to give out. So email me my account here has my email addy.
  • Heh. Me too with the six invites. Not that anyone on the planet who wants a gmail account still doesn't have one. feel free to email for an invitation on the off chance that all the invites mentioned in this post go.
  • It is the best webmail I have ever used, with the cavaet that all webmail is horrible to use. I am glad they allow offline mail readers (I have to set that up). I've gotten a serous name (for being professional), and a silly name (for everything else) - and I don't have to worry about ever loosing all of my messages (like I did at another webmail, when they decided I hadn't been active enough). Nothing compared to by uni mail, but in a few years I won't have that, and I'm glad I've gotten a good replacement for that time.
  • Nostril me please! hides hopefully in corner
  • I have plenty of invites, but they are my Precious and you cannot have them. Just kidding. If everyone else is exhaused, please IM me, see IM in profile.
  • I got 'em. Mail me.
  • That explanation of invites as marketing makes me feel much better. I had avoided getting one for two reasons - one, letting rabble like me in destroys The Cool for everyone else (if it's marketing, though, no problem), and two, I can't decide on a name. (My present one is just stupid, and I didn't intend to use it as much as I have. I'm sick unto death of my usual net-name, because people make a lot of lame cracks about it.) Seeing it as marketing knocks down reason one, leaving me only with reason two. Hmm. I might hit up one of the invite-handing-out monkeys if I can decide on something.
  • Four left.
  • I will gladly pay you $10 Tuesday if you take one of my 6 GMail invites today. Heck, I wonder if I can auction them off on eBay for a negative value.
  • I saw this on Wil Wheaton's site: If you have a Gmail invite, why not donate it to gmail4troops.com and help a soldier feel a little bit closer to home?
  • I'll donate mine to the troops if they rebel against the government. Otherwise, being tools of the Imperialists.. no.
  • Unfortunately, gmail4troops seems to have all they can use. Nice thought, though.
  • As stated by many others, I've got a bunch available to needy monkeys. I got mine from another generous monkey last time around, so don't be shy! (mail's my sn at gmail.com, also in my profile) Um, if you need a clever little phrase like Nostril, then just say, um, "Ghost me," I guess.
  • I have a plethora of email addy's but gmail is the only one that allows for, say, 30 photo's to be mailed to me in one email. So, I have two gmails and lot's o' invites. /I knew it wasn't beta since I actually had an account
  • Could it be that google has finally glutted the market with the damn things?
  • isn't there a way to set up a blog using gmail as the content management system?
  • I have plenty of invites, too. Got mine from a generous monkey. This thread is already flooded with surplus invites, but here my 5.
  • Just curious: are ye penalized if ye can't get rid of the things?
  • No.
  • The invites will just disapeer if not used in a certain time.
  • I'm not sure about that, jb. At some point, I had gotten rid of my six on one of my accounts only to find one day that I had been given more invites...........
  • I heard that if you don't get rid of them in one week you get an e-mail with no subject or body, then like a bazillion popups and then your penis size increases by a full foot resulting in your brain dying of blood starvation.
  • Yes, but if you don't give them away, you will find that unused invites will just disapeer. I had six, gave 3 away, but then the other three were just gone.
  • Most folk'll never dis a peer, but then again some folk'll...
  • Hey I just got 6 gmail invites. First 6 to email me get 'em/
  • Hey! fuyugare figured out how to use dictionary.com!
  • Just wanted to say. I had 6 gmail invites a couple of days ago, and then gmail made a text window on the side to make it easier to send invites. Now I have 50. So...anybody want another one?
  • I've got some too if anyone wants.
  • Same here...I've got them out the wazoo. Which is better than in the wazoo, I guess. That could hurt!