October 21, 2004

Bush relatives for Kerry. Bush kin are bailing out on him. I don't see the resemblance myself, but any support is good.
  • I dunno. It's a fun exercise in collaborative alternate history, but I'm with Will Shetterly on this one. It's just got really far fetched, and I think we might have run out of steam with the idea now. And - as I don't see McCain catching up to Gore's lead this late in the campaign - its relevance is perhaps getting a bit thin. Still, it was fun while it lasted!
  • ??? Bush Relatives make ugly webpages.
  • Bush supported by long-time Kerry workers. Sorry, I couldn't help myself.
  • Well, done, Plegmund. It took me a bit to figure that out. However, as sys7grrl might point out, that is the lowest form of humor.
  • My younger brother set up a website once just so he could call me an asshole. I need to keep my relatives away from computers.
  • We can get Alex's brother a MoFi account... that way he can call Alex an asshole on the Internet, and not have to go to the work of setting up his own website to do it! :P I have a cousin who thinks the UN is about to take over the US. Don't vote for him, either.