October 20, 2004

Are they under here? You may remember the March 2004 speech where Bush joked about looking for WMD's under his desk etc. Well the video has been edited to further illustrate the insensitivity and poor taste of this "humour." via boingboing
  • The worst part about this is that this is Bush at a press corps dinner. Apparently the same media that showed itself incapable of reporting the true extent of the lies told to justify the war in Iraq, until well after the fact. More sad evidence that the media failed the American public, and the world, just as much as the Bush presidency.
  • hell, our johnny won't even admit that there aren't wmd's in iraq. more aussies voted for him this time round than ever before. you're getting off lightly.
  • It would work better, IMO, if the video still showed bushes joke photos, and then the added stuff. The contrast would be more jarring.
  • Although I rarely miss a chance to Bush-bash, I have to say that this doesn't really bug me. I don't care that Bush acknowledged his mistake using humor. In fact, I think humor is a good thing, even I dealing with serious and important issues. So my objection isn't to the presence of a brief humorous admission of error; it's to the complete absence of any OTHER admission of error. In any case, the Bush video that really disturbs (and puzzles) me is this one, which shows the jaw-dropping difference between Bush's hyperarticulate and sharp youthful debate style, and his inarticulate present one. (Via Boing Boing.
  • Whoa. The 'Bush Before-and-After' video is deeply deeply worrying. Korsakoff's Syndrome as one possible explanation?