October 16, 2004

This damn hp ad always freaks the hell out of me (the one on the left)
  • minus the extra the 'd' on the title
  • Every time I see a white cross I think of the Swiss. Not the cheese. Otherwise I don't think at all. /Department of Ineptitudes
  • I find Francois to be hypnotic.
  • The animation at the end of the iPod with it's cord whipping around like an alien tentacle is a bit creepy. Too reminiscent of movies where similar tentacles suddenly jab into peoples brains.
  • Alien testacles?!? Everyone run!
  • I live on the south side of Chicago. I'm a white guy, but I'm poor, so I take public transit a lot. One night, I was waiting for the bus around 12:30 after a concert. Everyone at the bus stop was black, working guys finishing up a night shift, and the streets were empty. After a while, a pickup truck filled with rednecks pulls up to the stoplight in front of the bus stop. They're playing classic country, Willie Nelson or something. The guy in the passenger seat turns to his buddies, grins, rolls down the window and cranks the volume. For what seems an eternity, they sit there with the music blaring, literally echoing off the buildings around us. Then the light changes and they squeal the tires and head off to Indiana or wherever. Several uncomfortable minutes pass. Then one of the guys standing with me turns and says, all hesitant-like: "Man, do y'all actually like that music?" This commercial kinda reminded me of that.
  • Did anyone else hear the howard dean scream in the second scene?
  • Funny story, oli!
  • Mmmmm, I really like Swiss cheese, Beeswacky. Want a cheese sammwich?
  • If there's a broken heart for every light on Broadway, why not a Swiss cheese sandwich at the end of each rainbow? BlueHorse, I accept with pleasure. Shall I bring the cockpunch or would ye rather it be wine?
  • Cockpunch is a beverage? & There I was, beating myself in the groin.
  • A beverage. SideDish invented it. So don't, don't hurt nobody.
  • Spit-take with the noodle soup, Nostril. Ah, go ahead. Cock punch. Can't hurt, can/does it? Silly Wabbit. Bees, a jug of wine, a loaf of bread (a little cheese, a banana, some daffydills) and thou. Or just thou, big boy. Rowr.
  • *seizes cheeses, steals daffodils from Wordsworth's host, tucks a jeraboam of the bubbly into the hamper, adds another bottle of rooster sauce, and a box of crackers, plus a loaf of banana bread, and dashes wildly out, considerably dishevelled* Wot is it to be shevelled, who is s/he? It's been a lifelong mystery to unkempt me.