October 11, 2004

Mother, do you think they'll drop the bomb? From the This Can't Possibly Be True But One Can Hope Against Hope, Can't One? department: Pink Floyd to reunite and tour, says British magazine.

Ok, sure - but the big question? Will they do songs from Animals??

  • Pretty unlikely, but we can dream. Still, I think Pink Floyd is quite capable of putting on a great live show without Waters: The Division Bell tour (and P.U.L.S.E) were terrific. An album with new material with Waters, Wright, and Gilmour would really brighten my century though.
  • It would be awesome if it were only true. Pink Floyd rules.
  • I'm trying very very hard not to get excited about this, since it's most likely just a rumor, but this would be one of the greatest shows ever. I'm too young to have seen them the first time around, and have basically been convinced that this is just one band I'll never get to see live. And Fes is right - if they play songs from Animals I may never need to see another concert for the rest of my life.
  • Heh, when you said reunion, I thought it would be both Roger Waters and Syd Barrett returning to Pink Floyd. But that would be crazy.
  • Syd Barrett? Wait you mean the guy who made listening to that band worthwhile? Maybe they'll bring back Douglas Adams too. Wait he died. Shit it still makes me so goddamned sad to think Douglas Adams died. And I'm already laughing about Christopher Reeve being dead, hasn't even been posted.
  • But that would be crazy. Ba-da-bum! *cymbal crash*
  • I'm really not interested in Pink Floyd anymore, I used to be a big fan but I think since Waters left they have not really done anything interesting, in fact since after The Wall they got crappy. I thought the Division Bell was just a Gilmour solo album by another name, and not very inspiring (it even ripped off the old gimmick of the ending/beginning loop). Of course, their production etc was excellent, but there was nothing *in* it. At least when they were fighting each other and being egotistical the material was good. Best albums? Everything from Dark Side to The Wall. They're not valid anymore, just a bunch of rich old fucks riding around in limosines. Quite frankly I'd rather remember the good old days and not have them spoil it.
  • I'll go see 'em if I can afford the sure-to-be-astronomical ticket price. I was at the first concert of the 1987 "Floyd Returns" tour without Roger Waters and despite his huge absence it was a great concert. The first set was all new material, which went over well live, and the second set was all classic '70s Floyd and it was just a fantastic massive explosion of sound, song and light. I'm sure they'd pull out all the stops if they hit the road again.
  • I'm an asshole like this, but since the whole thing is totally sequenced anyway (= exactly the same show night after night after night), I don't really see the advantage in being there. I want the sound of surprise.
  • A surprise for the players or for the audience? Improv is ncie, but all in all I prefer something more solid. While I do feel compassion for what happened to Syd, I prefer the Gilmour Pink Floyd. I like stuff like Dark Globe, but I prefer the Placebo version. Syd definately had the element of genius, but lacked the necessary refinement.
  • In the concert department, my two regrets are; too young to see Led Zeppelin with John Bonham and too young to see Pink Floyd with Syd Barret, or Roger Waters, for that matter. If only.
  • Gilmour has written and performed some of the best rock solos EVER. Not always flashy or gymnastic, but just right. Nothing but love for his skills. However, I do admit that my education in Syd Barret is virtually nonexistent. Never got round to picking up those earlier albums, to my great loss, I'm sure. I agree that post-Waters Floyd is fairly bland by comparison. Although unlike the earlier posters who drew the line at The Wall, I found a lot of stuff to like about The Final Cut--kinda the Wall Volume 2. Lots of Waters vitriol there. I also liked what I heard of Waters' solo stuff--Radio K.A.O.S. being the one I remember best. But it lacked like the Floyd stuff without him did. Did they ever come out and say why they broke up in the first place? I remember it being a huge rock mystery.
  • Dude! Piper at the Gates of Dawn! C'mon! Why they broke up? Hhhmmmmm, can we say 'ego clash'.
  • I remember reading somewhere that Waters left because he wanted to do shows in front of smaller audiences where everyone could see the show rather than in large stadiums where only people in the very front could see what was going on. But i may be mistaken and I don't feel like digging through the interenets looking for the interview.
  • Oh, great, yet another bloated, sloppy rendition of Time, Us and Them, Money, and Shine On to add to my collection. /cynicism What would make this really worthwhile would be a new album with new Waters / Gilmour collaborations. I won't go so far as to they get better with age, but I've quite enjoyed the last two Pink Floyd albums. I think they've aged with dignity. But for gods' sake, lets retire just a few of those 'classics' for the next concert in favour of more interesting things like old Syd material and new tracks like Marooned.
  • ...Don't Leave Me Now, Echoes, Set the Controls for the Heart of the Sun...
  • Christ, aren't they happy enough destroying their legacy with years of crap albums? Of course, I gotta be the dick here and say that both the Syd Barret albums sucked and the Wall (and everything post) sucked. Hell, even Dark Side is an overrated slog. I really like Ummagumma and albums of that era, and hell, getting off four or five great albums over a career is pretty tits, but they're one of the most overrated bands in history (aside from maybe Queen). Every time I hear someone going off on how great The Wall is, I assume that they're either still in high school or that they've deluded themselves into believing that Pink Floyd and Rush are the pinnacle of Western music. Punk lived so that Pink Floyd could die!
  • Ummagumma and such was outstanding. But, Piper at the Gates of Dawn most certainly did not suck. ...I gotta be the dick here.... yep.
  • Eh. Flouncy fairy music. Better than Barrett's solo work though.
  • Flouncy fairy music. Okay, now that just made me laugh.
  • Pish. I loved the Wall and DSotM. Echos has een the best collection I've seen for them.