October 02, 2004

Curious George: Yellow ribbon stickers. In recent weeks I've seen an explosion of yellow ribbon vehicle stickers that look exactly like the sample on the left. The funny thing is that they're not on sedans -- 98% of the ones I see here in Austin are on big pickups and SUVs (many of them with GW04 decals). No sedans are sporting them. What's the story behind this sticker? Is this purely an impulse item at Wal-Mart? Or is it being mailed out to GOP supporters to help sway the vote?
  • my folks car is sporting one - it's an impala sedan. it wasn't there 2 weeks ago before they drove to new york state. i'll ask them where they got it in the morning.
  • These ribbons are being sold in convenience stores here in mid-Mo. I've seen them on all makes and models of vehicles in the area. $3.98 per ribbon. I have no idea who produces them, or who gets the money from them.
  • Here in Hawai'i, they're being sold by military wives who setup tables outside different bases and forts, like Pearl Harbor and Fort Shafter. So a majority of their clients are militards. The standard militard is usually conservative, and is also more likely to drive a big pickup or SUV than the average local.
  • the really great thing about 'em is they are magnetic, so you can go through a parking lot and put all the ribbons you find on the car that has only six numbers. here, that makes em legislators. five bucks each, from my local credit union and they don't know where the profits go. three bucks for the smaller ones. no ribbon? unless you're driving a hummer, u r fucked.
  • I support our troops, mmmmkay? I do not support the war. The other day I saw an actual hummvee idling at the Irving ( convenience store) a white amn in his 30's, a white woman, and a white child maybe six went into the store and came out ten minutes later with cokes in plastic bottles. Humvees get what, 6-10 mpg? how many people died so those folks could stay cool for the few minutes it took for them to get their cokes? yeah, right. i should be greatful the little white girl is protected from terrahists but the fact is it amkes me want to puke. this is fucking vermont. of all places in the US, vermont is one place little white girls are safe. preview? if I previewed I'd delete before posting.
  • Remember Kramer in the AIDS walk? "Ribbon?! Who doesn't want to wear the ribbon?!"
  • I want one that says "Support the Troops - BRING THEM HOME". I do support them, I don't think they should be there and I really, really don't want any more of them to die.
  • They have started selling them at the employee store at work. There seem to be three varieties, yellow, red-white-and-blue,and pink (for breast cancer). However, I've only seen yellow ones in use. Yes, they seem to be mainly on trucks, but 75% of the vehicles on the road here are trucks or SUVs. I won't be buying one anytime soon. I don't want any more troops to die, but I can't really say I support them.
  • An actual quote from Tom Ridge and The Office of Homeland Security "In an effort to eliminate up the misuse of ribbons being displayed on vehicles throughout the United States, the following regulations will be enforced. Vehicles displaying the yellow ribbon will be recognized as "Tops". Vehicles displaying the blue ribbon will be known as "Bottoms". Please plan your activities accordingly."
  • Around here they're sold by family members of the National Guard brigade that just left. The proceeds go to buy stuff for the GIs they might find hard to get. I was snooty about the whole idea, until a friend of mine pointed out people buy them because they don't know what else to do, but they want to do something.
  • They could, I dunno, enlist? I mean, if they really want to show their support and all...
  • slight derail... My favorite USA war related bumper sticker/magnet moment thus far has to be the "Fast and pray USA" bumper stickers on the land yachts that are SUVs. They may not be able to drive to the store on less than a quarter tank but they sure like to make it known that they would if they could. Just buy the sticker, it is literally the least you can do. ***Vomits at the thought of the H2.
  • I want one that says "Support the Troops - BRING THEM HOME". Yea, and I want one in military green that says: I bought this $5.00 magnet because I wanna support the troops for a change--I'm tired of my dollars going into BushCo's pockets.