September 30, 2004
via metafilter
Why is C-3PO prosecuting this case? Shouldn't he be representing Han?
Like the artwork, dng -- akso, amusing, and reminds me a bit of what the old Mad Magazine used to do with movies.
brilliant! brilliant!
How did Lucas get Scalia to play the judge?
The Empire's justice is truly well-oiled.
It would have been excellent if they had a chainbound Lucas at the end, charged with tampering with evidence...
haha - too true Flagpole. Somehow the "updated" editions remind me of that Jeneane Garofolo bit about "Stop fucking me!"
Why is C-3PO prosecuting this case? Shouldn't he be representing Han? Its probably not c-3po, but just another identical robot.
That is a brilliant point, dng. My limited thinking on the issue is why I'll never get off this damn planet.
Well, it also could be C-3P0. He didn't like Solo that much.
i'm going to totally dork out now, and explain that this comic is from darkhorse's (licensed) "star wars tales" series, which is a sort of "what if...?" take on various events in the star wars universe w/o respect to star wars canon itself. the writers of these short stories are pretty much given free reign with artistic license. so, sometimes they get ridiculous; they'll eat up all your crackers and your licorice.