September 29, 2004

The Coming Civil War - Unlikely, but an interesting read anyway.
  • Makes you think.
  • "noted historian john titor" huh? i thought he was a time traveler.
  • I'm fairly sure that's sarcasm.
  • No, it's all true! Violent defiance is etched into my third-generation Dutch-immigrant DNA! I blame the Vikings. But not where they can hear me. Let me be the first to volunteer to "spackle the cracks in the Statue of Liberty," because maybe then I can evade the draft.
  • The problem here is that any discussion we have on this could well descend into an argument for his side. I just hate it when that happens...
  • Okay, you all saw that, didn't you? Yeah. I was just standing here on the street corner, minding my own business and shouting random Viking battle cries, like I do most Wednesday mornings between 10 and noon if the weather's nice, and this total frothing maniac comes up out of nowhere and attacks me for no reason. CLEARLY, I AM FORCED TO DEFEND MYSELF! Now where did I put my rocket launcher...
  • Yeah, but I'm wearing a rocket-launcher-proof vest. So there. Nyah nyah nyah nyah!
  • Let slip the ligers of war!
  • I'll see your liger and raise you quidnunc's pancreas.
  • Gentlemen: my Infernal Masters sympathize with your point of view and feel that your message might be better stated with some of our fine products. While we cannot, of course, get directly involved in your conflict, we do sell the finest in top-drawer weaponry and associated personal defense items at rock bottom prices. May I take your order? Mr. Spackle: Perhaps you'd be interested in our depleted uranium rocket launcher shells? 25% more concussive power than the regular shell, and the uranium give the round superior armor-piercing capabilities... Mr. Dodger: We admire your forethought! But remember, the best defense is, after all, a good offense. May we suggest something from our line of heat-seeking anti-spackle man-portable missile systems?
  • Mr Fes: I'll take all of your depleted uranium rocket launcher shells. That way spackle will have nothing to attack me with. Then I can just hit him with this plank with a nail in it. Bwahahahahahahahahahah!
  • Fesburton to the rescue.
  • Fes, have you got any green socks?
  • Dr. Dodger: We are pleased to take your order. However, since this is your first time, we will require a cash transaction in this instance...? I assure you, this is de riguer for our first-time customers. Ms. Beeswacky: I can arrange for you to sample a variety of green socks, in various shades, that I trust will meet your every requirement. Here at Wolfram and Hart, we pride ourselves on being a full-service consultancy.
  • *chuckle* you guys are 'tards
  • *Fes makes a notation on a legal pad under heading "refer to Field Operations Division for removal"*
  • PAGE 3: From words to those special lead words we call "bullets." This made me laugh.
  • Very amusing--for a total loon the guy sure can write. So this is what my country looks like to an internet-addicted foreigner!
  • you guys are 'tards Please. We prefer the term "Americans."
  • Hey! from the great white North here, don't be mingling my tardness with our Southern brothers tardness. That's a bit of a sore point up here
  • If there's one universal quality that connects the human species, it's gotta be our tardness. North, south, east, west, doesn't matter. We're all total morons at heart. I'm actually a sister, yo. And I thought wacky was a boy bee, but, really, it's impossible to tell at this distance.
  • With the birth of cable and talk radio and, most significantly, the internet, the sphincter of news has been stretched wide to allow a torrent of bad journalism to flow forth. goatse as paradigm? that's a grand assessment!
  • I mostly just quickly scanned it, but I was thinking that (hyperbole aside) there might be something to the divisionary effects of bloggers - they publish in very hot rhetoric, with no oversight, and seem to be more interested fanning the flames of discord in American politics than actually discussing anything. Bad journalism, indeed. Are there political blogs for non-US politics? I know that there is a project to start a European blog by some mefites, but they were much more than just politics, and wanted to conciously create a non-confrontational atmostphere. But I've never heard of a Canadian Alliance blog, or a Liberal Party of Canada blog (we like wily policticians, yay!).
  • Are there political blogs for non-US politics? Ahem. Erm. Etcetry, etcetry. There are squillions of them.
  • Thanks. Of course, if I had googled, I might have been able to answer my own question. I guess I just feel like they aren't as, well, loud and talked about. I didn't hear anything about blogs in our last election* - are you hearing about them in yours? (*Though I'm a really bad judge - I'm very out of touch with news while I'm living in the States.)
  • Bloggers just fill the niche war propaganda left empty.
  • Mr Fes: I thank you for your timely response. Please be assured, contact with the World Bank has been initiated by my associates for the release of the necessary funds. I assume you would prefer large denomination notes? On topic (finally): As has been noted above, the article does make some good points I think, though they do tend to get a bit lost amidst the author's rhetoric.
  • Rhetoric is the new dialogue. Bloggers are the new guerrillas. Gorillas are the new monkeys. Bananas are the new apples. Orange is the new black. Spackle is the new messiah.
  • I am the new you.
  • 'old' is the new 'new'.
  • Fesburton!!! HAHAHAHAHA!!!
  • I am the resurrection. Also, I am the light.
  • I'm delight... I mean... nevermind.
  • Fes, you ignorant slut, I am not a manuscript. You attempt to distract me with new green socks, but I seek a used one. Its attributes are: single, green, lucky. Sounds like a leprechaun, but suitable for putting on.
  • spackle's a sister, beeswacky's not a manuscript - we should seriously consider reawakening the Show Me Yours/Show You Mine thread! I *am*, however, an ignorant slut. Good call, 'swacky. single, green, lucky? A sock so richly vested would come quite dearly! hen's-teeth rare, they are: let me check, perhaps I have something in the back.
  • *applauds* Fes is not an ignorant slut. What he tells me once I mustn't forgut. beeswacky is not a spelling bee.