September 29, 2004

The Luxuriant Flowing Hair Club for Scientists. Big brains. Big ideas. Big hair.
  • Hmmm...reminds me of this.
  • Damn beautifully coifed scientists! *looks in mirror, remembers hair, sobs*
  • I have luxuriant flowing hair, yet lack scientific credentials *sniff*
  • Are mathemeticians included in their definition of scientist? I should ask - I have a perfect nomination.
  • Dr Bidlack is very strange.
  • Fes had beautiful hair. Check the archives.
  • oh those wacky sciencepersons.
  • Once, when I was at a Royal Canadian Institute lecture (on astronomy), I was asked by an elderly couple if I was an astronomer. I relpied that yes I was--an amateur one. They said they could tell because I had long hair and a beard.
  • Bald men are sexy! Kisses to Fes.