September 28, 2004
Monkeys, flu season is coming...find your shots here
and keep the sniffles at bay!
(concerned Monkey)
great idea, warrior. my ex and i had the real influenza about 10 years ago, and ever since then i've made sure to get a shot. you really REALLY don't want to get the flu. i don't mean the "feeling crappy, maybe i ate something bad" flu, i mean influenza: we literally slept 20 hours a day in drenching sweats, shivering aches, with slicing headaches, cough, sore throat -- it's like everything that can hurt or go wrong on your body does, all at once. for *seven full days*. so, yes, get your shot!!
Yeah, the flu is a wanker. Get those shots, monkeys.
Ah, too late... just recovering from week-long fight. I won. I suppose.
Mine went immediately into pneumonia. Better now but damn! Its been a month and the Eustacean tubes are still clogged and I have just about enough energy to type. And play KoL. This has been my worst health year ever. *sneezes**coughs**wipes nose on sleeve* Sorry guys. This flu is hitting everyone around here hard. Get your shot. No foolin'.
SideDish, I had what you had except it lasted for 14 days. I thought I was going to die. I went to the doctor twice, and all he could do was shrug and say "It's the flu". I haven't missed a flu shot since. And happily, my current employer brings in a nurse to give them out for free!
About 50% of the time when I've gotten an influenza shot I've come down with common cold symptoms, sometimes mild, sometimes strong. This makes no sense. I was under the impression that influenza is a dead-culture vacccine (and the symptoms don't feel like flu).
Bird flu virus unlikely to be eradicated soon, warn global bodies
I would, if it wasn't for the 3-day guaranteed migraine I get afterwards. (Egg-yolk sensitivity - flu vaccine is grown in chicken eggs.) So if you're allergic to it, to eggs, or you've had Guillain-Barré, they say don't risk a more serious complication.
Mmm, well I for one am not going to rush out and get vaccinated. Last year, the flu vaccine was designed to protect against three different strains, but the predominant strain detected (that) season -- Type A-Fujian -- was not expected. (That made) the vaccine's effectiveness uncertain. For uncertain, read, ineffective and potentially weakening to the body's immune system, making it less effective than not getting vaccinated at all. Also, there were some reports of vaccine being diluted. This is doubly dangerous, a diluted vaccine against the wrong strain of flu. Not good news. That's not to say that vaccination isn't worth it, but there is a definite risk/benefit analysis to be made, and last year, if you were in good health and not too young or old, it really wasn't worth it. This year, I'm making the same calculation.
More data: subscription required, so here is the main point from last year. The 2003-2004 influenza vaccine may be doing a poor job protecting against influenza-like illness (ILI), although further studies are needed to determine the vaccine’s effectiveness against laboratory-confirmed influenza, according to the CDC. The Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment and The Children’s Hospital of Denver spearheaded a survey of 3,100 hospital employees to determine how well the 2003-2004 influenza vaccine protected against ILI. The survey asked whether the employee had been vaccinated this year and whether the employee was suffering from symptoms compatible with influenza. Out of the 1,886 respondents to the survey, 1,424 reported having received the vaccine, and 389 reported ILI symptoms. Two separate analyses – a categorical analysis and a person-time analysis – were used to determine the vaccine’s effectiveness against ILI. According to the study, the vaccine was between 0% and 14% effective in preventing ILI.
There's no way they're going to impurify my Precious Bodily Fluids.
I've had a flu shot every year now for about four-five years - especially here in NZ since I have asthma and Christchurch is revolting smoggy in winter. I still managed to come down with a whopping case of bronchitis a month or two ago, though. Stupid flu shot can't fix everything. But yes, get one.
Bugger. Too late. Didn't get the totally full-on evilbastard version, but it was proper, non-yuppie flu alright. Last week was shit. Still coughing.