January 05, 2004

Bozo the Clown Explores Inner Space.

(Warning-- MP3 stream; via Basic Hip Digital Oddio!)

  • Voices and sound effects are soooo yesteryear!
  • I'd swear the voice of the Sting-Ray was none other than Mr. Popeye The Sailor, the hardest woikin' man in sea-bizness...
  • Hermit Crab's laughter reminded me of Woody Woodypecker. Wondering how the gargle-voices were made -- did whoever really gargle with a glass of water?
  • "It's a group of Spanish mackerel. They like to travel together." That's not really true.
  • That was deeply annoying. Clearly I've been too harsh on Barney, lacking sufficient historical context. The jellyfish voices were something out of FREAKS.
  • A confusion of 404s, alas. Might I coin that? "A confusion of 404s"...