September 27, 2004
Buffalo Church Opens Own SUBWAY Restaurant
"How does eat and worship sound to you. A Buffalo Church is the first church in America to open it's own Subway Restaurant."
"Get your money changed! Right here in the temple!" /simpsons
Hmmm...wonder what this does to the church's tax-exempt status? Anyway, it opens up all kinds of new possibilities. Nike Church of Christ, Pepsi Baptist Church, Subway to Heaven...
Everything made sense when I saw "Baptist Church". OK, let the hate mail roll...
I'd like a hot Italian. Wait, what?
isnt the question "footlong or six inch" somewhat sinful in itself?
"nest to of course god buffalo i love you land of submarine sandwiches or hoagies or hero's red glare and chicken wings and eagle scouts in the subway swaying the varied carols i hear clear signals ringing i send a message to garcia with ketchup and mustard and where is the mayo why is the mayor in little packets and do ya call that a cuppa coffee?" He choked. choked it down. And no one noticed.
So much for the separation of church and steak.
Alex Reynolds- Lovely, really. Nice.
Alex Reynolds, I love you!
WWJD - What would Jared do?
Well, since one of the main activities in Buffalo is food consumption, I'm not so surprised. =P
Are the parishoners now going to be offered a choice between "white" and "whole wheat" during communion?
Got to give islander his props too!