September 27, 2004
"What If Bush Wins" by a panel of 16 experts
Some of these are rather thought provoking. Thought you monkeys might find them interesting.
I like Norquist's piece. His points about stock ownership directly causing an increase in Republicans are not only sound science, but also make sense. He points out that every ambitious Democrat secretly hopes that Kerry-Edwards fail. Well, it's not so secret now! Who can argue that the trial lawyers are the secret masters of the Democrats? Thanks to Bush millions of workers now understand clearly that overtime pay doesn't apply to them. They don't have to languish in uncertainty any more; they can use this information to plan for the future! That a second Bush presidency will mean an even smaller number of middle-managers on the Government payroll, a repealed 'death tax', saner gun-regulation, and clearer demarcation in electoral representation between 'red' and 'blue' states — these are all layers of icing on an already delicious cake. Sign me up!
Well, I suppose if Bush wins, Kevin Drum gave me an itty-bitty smidgen of something to look forward to; Bush destroying himself.
Bush destroying himself is something to look forward to. The pisser is that he's going to take the rest of us with him.
I think fuyugare has been reading - or perhaps writing - too much Republican propaganda. As a stock investor, I can see nothing worse for the long term rate of return than another term of Bush. Deficits. Growing economic inequality. Larger Federal government. Counterproductive military spending. Bizarre overtime rules. And by the way it is pronounced "inheiritance tax" not "death tax". That you want a more divided America speaks volumes about your motives.
steveno: turn up your sarcasm-o-meter. fuyugare was dishing it out pretty heavily...
"If Bush is re-elected, there are only two possible outcomes in Iraq: 1. Four years from now, America will have 5,000 dead servicemen and women and an untold number of dead Iraqis at a cost of about $1 trillion, yet still be no closer to success than we are right now, or 2. The U.S. will be gone, and we will witness the birth of a violent breeding ground for Shiite terrorists posing a far greater threat to Americans than a contained Saddam."
I pray Bush is not re-elected but: as far as I can think, if Kerry is elected there are only the same two possible outcomes in Iraq. (although Kerry might me more inclined to encourage a UN role, Bush's recent visit indicates he may be considering that route too)
Bush cannot enlist the aid of the UN or other non-"coalition" countries (i.e. any country except Great Britain). He burned too many bridges with the majority of the world, and Kofi Annan already indicated that the official UN stance is that the war in Iraq was illegal. It would take serious (NBC-level) terrorist actions in Europe, Russia and China to motivate them to assist.
If Bush wins, towels everywhere will be safe from harm.
I wish Kerry weren't quite so windy. Very dull speaker.
Another expert weighs in...
Wolof: I tend to agree, but this speech was decent. (It reads slightly better, IMHO.)
It's well-written, certainly, but K's delivery tends to flatten it out. I wish K could turn it up a notch, break the habit of a lifetime and emote a little. It's very easy to tune his voice out, whereas Bush is almost impossible to ignore.
I'll take the soporific effect of Kerry's flat delivery over the mind-rending pain I feel when I hear Bush speak. Impossible to ignore indeed!
Anything like Gore's monotone?
Anything like Gore's monotone? Exactly what I mean. You have to cut through! (I am talking about undecided people, fuyu.)
Apologies for my previous post. I think this election year has caused me to lose my sense of humor, but I'm willing to obtain a new one.
steveno, better hurry. Under the Patriot Act all senses of humor (political and otherwise) must be properly registered and a license obtained by midnight on November 1, 2004. To obtain your humor license you will need to produce three of nine acceptable forms of identification as part of this process. Your new license will need to be renewed within four years. Subsequent to the November deadline, all persons suspected of utilizing unofficial or improperly registered humor may be asked to show their license. Those persons suspected of abusing their licenses or unable to produce an official license may be detained.
Curious if any of you monkeys know, but has Grover Norquist ever been outside the U.S.? He is admirably astute in analyzing a political situation, but his understanding of the issues seems to indicate something of a sheltered exposure or outright aversion to the outside world.
No, other countries generally have a ban on importing evil, so his travel options are decidedly limited.
Next President Will Pick Scores of Judges
Say it with me folks. Chief Justice Scalia. Talk about striking fear into the corpses of our forefathers.
The cigar-smokin' harley-ridin' crime-fightin' policy-makin' Judge Scalia is one of Ruben Bolling's best creations.
I like Alan Steele's version of what'll happen if Bush wins.
Book Says Souter Felt "Kinda Bad" About Killing Democracy
Yeah, at least he felt bad. Apparently it doesn't keep any of the BushCo bunch up at night.