September 26, 2004

Really Annoying
  • totally.
  • Really, really annoying! All that "right click->play", over and over to finally get to the end. aaargh! Argh.
  • level 7, then i realized it was too annoying to continue.
  • What would have went in "URL Description"?
  • I just set the rotation of my laptop screen to 180 degrees. I'm a cheating bastard.
  • Isn't that congratulatory horn dealie from the MindMaze game in Encarta?
  • .ysae saw ti thguoht I 52 rebmetpeS no CTU PM65:30 ta elcicarT yb detsop Just turn your mouse upside-down.
  • Sort of like arriving in school only to learn from some classmate that it was "Opposite Day."
  • I liked it. We are such hard-wired creatures. You can't even get used to it, since the mouse reverts to normal in order to click Play. After all 20 levels, centering on a link is pretty hard.
  • Metafi Annoying, yea. That's the way my mouse works on that Otherfilter, too. /smartass
  • that was fun
  • a) "tracicle" has no capital "t". b) read your datestamp again.
  • /is tempted to edit it to maintain the illusion of omnipotence
  • It's an illusion!? my world is crumbling...
  • It's a lot easier if you convince yourself that you're moving the maze rather than the block within it.
  • Yeah, it's an aargh.
  • That is a very good suggestion, Armitage. I found it was even easier to triangulate the distance between the bottom right hand corner and the 'goal' circle and then, using a sextant, move the mouse the same distance and angle of the sin/cos * hypotenuse.
  • That really helps, Armitage. Now I can do it without cheating.
  • Now I can't use my mouse normally.
  • < weeps at his inability to get beyond level four >
  • Am I a freak because that didn't seem the least bit hard? Aside from a bit of difficulty with finer control, it didn't take more than a couple of tries for each level. Maybe it helps being left-handed, yet I insist on using the mouse with my right hand.
  • how many goddamn levels are there? I am stuck on 16- maybe cause I am using my touchpad on my laptop?
  • Yeah, I had a hard time with the touch pad on my laptop, too.
  • Wasn't that hard, aside from the fact that I kept running out of mouse pad. I got bored after level 16. Can I be a jet pilot now? Do I have to use cocaine?
  • that reminds me of worms armageddon trying to fly the stupid super sheep.
  • I am stuck on 16- maybe cause I am using my touchpad on my laptop? Hmm, maybe you're doing something a bit wrong? I usually find using the 'touchpad' on me 'laptop' to be highly pleasing.