January 02, 2004

Go to Hell !! Or use this opportunity to send the people you hate. Enjoy.
  • A bit to American centric for me to understand, I fear - what the fuck are Trixies or Riceboys?
  • I created my own choices. Dommage we can't cut and paste the html. Psychotherapists Circle I Limbo Yappy Dogs Circle II Whirling in a Dark & Stormy Wind American tourists abroad who make me ashamed to be American Circle III Mud, Rain, Cold, Hail & Snow Formulaic Thinkers Circle IV Rolling Weights People who are condescending about the music they listen to Circle V Stuck in Mud, Mangled River Styx People who think *everything* is a learning experience Circle VI Buried for Eternity River Phlegyas Smile Nazis Circle VII Burning Sands People who tell me that I'm a negative thinker Circle IIX Immersed in Excrement People who laugh and yap loudly in restaurants and other public places Circle IX Frozen in Ice
  • dng, I thought they were UK references !!!
  • dng, do a little google research and you will find that everyone deserves to be in hell. I created two categories: People that deserve hell, and people that will anyway end there for sheer stupidity. That will fit everybody including myself.
  • If only I could squish the families, pets, friends, associates, insurance agents, clergy, and anyone else who is in any positive way associated with DMV employees into the first circle. I would have so much more room left for their ancestors.
  • dng- yes, it's a bit US-centric. "Riceboys" are explained here. (Have you ever seen a Honda Civic with a ridiculously large spoiler on the back of the car? That's the idea.) "Trixies" I wasn't too sure of myself, but a Google search led me here. It appears to be the Chicago version of what some in San Francisco call "Marina Chicks". (FWIW.) Oh, and I made sure to include those men who get touchy-feely on public transit in my third circle of hell. Good fun!
  • Please, sweet Jeebus, *somebody* tell me the whole Trixie thing is a joke, right? RIGHT?!
  • Ahh, hell creation--most satisfying.