September 14, 2004

Project - A collection of short films that teach us what to do when Porn strikes, how to convince someone of an afterlife, and to sieze the moment for witnessing. Their mission? Creating (bizzare and absurd) Christ Centered Short Films.

And make sure to stop by their Forums, where the real magic is made.

  • Wonderful post--but are these guys for real, or is it parody? I can't Google anything on them except the website itself.
  • Wow, I just watched the porn one. What's the message there? The only proper reaction to temptation is a sudden blind and destructive rage? On another note, here's my favorite comment from the forums: You can't ban large breasts, because small breasts are not as good fitted to feed babies as large ones... Hear Hear!
  • LarryC, memepool, as well as myself, is leaning toward yes.
  • I saw this on memepool a while ago. Creeped me out.
  • If your right eye causes you to sin, gauge it out!
  • If your right eye causes you to sin, gauge it out!
    Now where did I put my calipers..?