January 02, 2004

A long read from the Atlantic Monthly

A tale of intrigue, forgery and greed.

  • I read this in the magazine when it was originally published. It is, indeed, hella interesting.
  • Stirfry; Excellent post! But if I may offer a dollop of criticism--your hype, your headline, your come-on, as it were--" A long read from the Atlantic Monthly"--- could be a tad more punchy and much less frumpy! It made me think of afternoons spent at the dentist waiting for my root canal. Use your panache! Presentation is tres importante! Just look at the crap I pass off on my Fpp's--they may tank but they WILL catch your eye... I just sat through "Cold Mountain", so I'm cranky.
  • This purports to be a picture of some of the Sevso silver: http://www.michelvanrijn.com/sevso.htm (I really tried to do it as a link, over and over, but it didn't work. Pointy parentheses hate me.) If it's true, it'll give you an idea of what at stake there.
  • Here's path's linky for those monkeys who are too lazy to use the open location dialog... very good link path!
  • So Van Rijn is still playing as having inside knowledge by putting up pics of Northampton's purchase? and Dizzy.. I'll attempt to ease the pain of root canals in the future. No hat and all cattle can be as bad as all hat and no cattle. eh?
  • Exactly! Seek shallowness, and all things will come!
  • Interesting read, stirfry. But next time can you pleaze, pleaze, give us a *hint* on the outside? Ta ever so. Da b*tch*n' BlueHorse
  • What a tangled web we weave... So when's the movie coming out?
  • If you're going to drag out all these old threads, BearGuy, perhaps we should pick up the dropped taglines: MonkeyFilter: Pointy parentheses hate me.