September 14, 2004
Yes, my second link of the day. No, not sorry.
What's magical and really queer? Poof. What's magical and breathes smoke? Puff. What's German and really small? Pf.
P? F? How used you learn me, brather soboostius, in my augustan days? With cesarella looking on. In the beginning was the gest he jousstly says, for the end is with woman, flesh-without-word, while the man to be is in a worse case after than before since she on the supine satisfies the verg to him! I've wanted to say that for a long time. Maybe I shouldn't have said it. But now I have.
well, gosh darnit, why didn't my parents get me in a back brace as a kid? we had insurance! now I have to suffer with this damn scoliosis and no insurance...