September 14, 2004

Lice. Head & Body. The debate ends - If you have Lice of the body and hair, then clearly the biggest question eating you is whether the Head Louse is a distinct species from the Body Louse. Despite labaratory tests which showed the two interbreeding, Scientists put their heads together to scratch out the truth once and for all. You have two sets of Lice. And that sucks.

With the quote of the moment: "For a head louse, shifting to clothes would be like setting out across the desert." I think there's something in that for all of us, don't you? But on further reflection, which desert? With that question to nibble upon, I hop away, for now.

  • ewwww!Body lice? Ewww ewww ewww! thanks for giving me the heebie jeebies! i'm gonna have nightmares tonight about...ugh!! ewwwwwww!!!!!!!!
  • The heebie jeebies? How about if you knew that a body louse looks like this? How about the things that live in your eyelashes? How can you not like headlice? Wook at their ky00t widdle face!
  • On the whole, I prefer music. Actually, that statement applies to most things.
  • Oh, but this is a lousy post. Those things that live in our eyelashes rightfully entitle us all to say 'we' when we mean 'I'. Hmm. We = the host of tiny beings on/in me plus me. *shiver of apprehension* Now we itch all over us...I itch...uh, me...uh, is this similar to what the pete_best experience must be like?
  • The Hydatid Cyst. Brought to you by the eXile.
  • oh my god, I just got the heebie-jeebies something wicked. Thanks a lot, Nostrildamus.
  • And all this time I've considered myself a loner.
  • Jesus! My skin is crawling.
  • Com'on you guys. I just got over the shivers from thinking about dust mites. Everything was washed in bleach and hot water, but I still hesitate before I crawl into bed now. Ick.