September 14, 2004
My 65-year old mother in law (MIL) lives on the west side of Houston. When she was unloading stuff from her car a couple of days ago, some homie walking from the direction of a low-income apartment was shuffling by. She looked up and there was eye contact, so she politely said hi and the guy didn't acknowledge her. She shrugged it off. Thirty minutes later she saw out the window that the guy was standing across the street looking at her apartment.
Today my MIL, wife, and baby son were over there using her apartment pool. The guy comes shuffling up from behind a building and sits by the pool's fountain. They got up to leave, and the guy got up and held the gate open for them. He then followed them as they went to their apartment. My wife turned around and said, "Are you waiting on your laundry?" The guy mumbled "no". They went inside and the guy kept on going without incident.
What do you all make of this? I'm pretty sure you all have better street smarts than I, especially seeing as a lot of folks here are from NYC.
Update: My MIL called just now. She that they were on edge so they had the police come by. The officer said he had gotten a 'casing' report from another woman in the complex, and he figured the guy may not be casing but may be mentally deficient. The officer drove around the neighborhood to check around, then came back, and it was all enough to settle my MIL's nerves. She didn't get the officer's card, though, so I asked her to call dispatch and get the name of the officer in case there's another problem later on.
Meredithea: Hello! I'm actually not in Houston but in Austin. My wife & 8-month old son are visiting there this week.
Medusa: No prob, I didn't read anything bad out of that.