September 13, 2004
Silver Jews
The Steve Malkmus post got me thinking about David Berman - songwriter, poet. and sometimes (or former) bandmate. Says Malkmus
of the SJ's 1998 release American Water
some poetry or music and a video here
I asked the painter why the roads are colored black.
He said, "Steve, it's because people leave
and no highway will bring them back."
So if you don't want me I promise not to linger,
But before I go I gotta ask you dear about the tan line on your ring finger.
David Berman spoke informally at my college roundabout graduation time, and I recall really disliking him. Since then, I've listened to a few of his songs about a billion times thanks to their being included on some rocking mixes, and I reluctantly concede he really is good. Anybody got an mp3 of Smith and Jones Forever?
unfortunately, this post doesn't do much for a silver jews fan who has been a fan for a long time. but if you're not familiar, check em out. best place to start: american water!