September 12, 2004

Write A Caption For This Picture
  • Looks to me like the camera caught him just as he was smoothing his coat or something, right before he placed his hand over his heart. And FWIW -- I think that holding one's hand over the heart (or the area just to the LEFT of the heart, as it is usually done) -- is completely inane.
  • See also
  • facts about the still camera which have come to light in the last 100 years: a) they sometimes capture people in poses which, when taken out of context, look silly (see also: Clintons "sleeping" at Reagan's funeral) b) they do not steal your soul
  • In elementary school I remember us joking that the "hand over heart" thing was inane because it kept the love trapped inside.
  • So far these captions suck.
  • "I pledge allegiance to the fags of the United States of America, and to the pubics for which they stand..."
  • Did I say that? I didn't say that.
  • That hippie chick is kinda hot. Hmmm, I feel a stirring in my Mooladhara Chakra... Must think of Jesus!
  • Now rub your tummy. Didn't say 'Simon Says'! You're out Georgie.
  • I knew I shouldn't have had that third chili dog.
  • "My milkshake brings all the boys to the yard."
  • "AHHHH!!! My liver! My liver!"
  • Better yet, write a caption for this picture.
  • "Greetings earth-beings. I'm bad and you know it. Your butt is mine."
  • Heart placement or not, its still part of the ritual of the pledge of alliegance to put ones hand in that area. A good chunk of people know where their heart is, but would still put their hand "slightly to the left". At least for me though, its easier to feel my pulse on the left side of my chest as opposed to the other. Maybe that's what everyone goes for. Maybe bush just has some other medical problems. "Should have taken the Zantac."
  • "Ugh, all this patriotic schlock is starting to churn my guts."
  • It it it DOES feel like I'm full of shit.
  • Argh wins.
  • I think he's incubating a little chicken egg he keeps in his suit. Or perhaps trying to pet a bunny. To drjimmy: I think there is a saturation point at which we can seriously considered a public figure to be a moron.
  • Yummy yummy yummy, I've got love in my tummy.
  • Wait a second... I feel a cheer coming on.
  • It's soooo unfair. A double post get's more comments that the first post. /me sits sulking in corner
  • gets
  • You have the moral high ground, mare . That and a dollar twenty five'll get you... well, you know.
  • Double comment! A thousand pardons. Plus, yours was much better than mine. I plead inattention.
  • Mate, I'm just glad I wasn't the only one thinking of that song.
  • Sucks, for true.