September 12, 2004

Smokin' babe seeks dudes, butts Guys, when you're out at the bar tonight, keep a close eye on the smokers. That's apparently where to find the ones that are ready to go.

In my next life, I want to come back as a bonobo.

  • Your bonobo is nothing like macaque.
  • I wish we evolved from bonobos, chimps are not very nice monkeys. They gather in packs and roam the jungle looking for other monkeys to kill for fun. Apparently this dominance is supposed to give them security enough to dream when they sleep and are the only animals that do so, or so the Discovery Channel claims (are they secure from big cats, or snakes? Don't dogs dream when they do that weird twitchy whiny thing?). Also, I don't think you want to be a bonobo, the "developing" humanity around the congo has sold most of it to the lumber industry who have some sort of ties with the market for monkeys as delacies. I'm sure Humunculus will be along with a link shortly.
  • The bonobo comment was a secondary aside. This was supposed to be the main link. Without the real link it comes off as vaguely stupid. Sorry 'bout that.
  • bonobo aren't that nice a group of animals, either. Nicer at an intra-species level, perhaps, but they're pretty vicious toward, well, anything else.
  • I've always found it easier to identify with orang-utans than chimps of either variety. Not so gregarious, less shouting, spend a lot of time alone in their slightly disorderly nest, just pop out from time to time to get vital supplies or change the library books... Well, you know what I mean.
  • Hi diddley dee, a lemur's life for me. They get to bounce around and eat fruit all day. They're even endorsed by John Cleese.
  • Another one? And she has the same name even. What a coincidence!
  • “Like chimpanzees, though with more deadly refinement, human beings are distinguished by their ability to harness the virtues of altruism and solidarity, and the skills of rational reflection, to the end of making brutal and efficient warfare against rival groups.” The Company of Strangers via Arts & Letters Daily
  • oh...i get it. a theme.
  • but i am compelled to comment: that is sad. it constitutes animal torture in my book. hey look--new theme!
  • I left macaque out in the rain. *sings piteously*