January 01, 2004

Correction: should be Cheese racing
  • try " http://www.cheeseracing.com/ ". (you had "htttp...")
  • Cheeses! Thanks, Dizzy, but this should read www.cheeseracing.org -- not com. On the prior FPP I typed dot com by mistake -- up sprang a transmogrified URL that seems to feature California cheese. It is all a great mystery to me. *Sigh*
  • "The winning cheese is defined as the one whose reaches a fully inflated stage first." hehe...keeping it simple!
  • New as of June 2005, Cheese Racing videos! As someone who hails from America's Dairyland, all I have to say is: "Good job...now stay back, you frighten me a little."
  • Aye, took me hours to figure out how to make a cheesy post to the front page.