September 08, 2004

Iguana emergencies.
  • When I saw this, I thought "iguana get a good laugh out of this..."
  • You're risking a beatdown for that comment, wendell. And I say that with love. ;) As for SideDish, we might as well crown her queen of random one-shot animal weirdness links. Never fails to make me grin. Snort. Snort snort.
  • i confess, i once had an iquana named irving
  • Why is vomiting (DO NOT WAIT, CONTACT YOUR VETERINARIAN IMMEDIATELY!!!) worse than uncontrolled bleeding? Do iguanas vomit up their guts or something?
  • Great and Lesser Vomiting Iguanas Attack the City!
  • gosh, bees, what a mental picture THAT is...
  • "Don't be surprised if your monkey destroys things outside its cage or becomes spiteful and even dangerous with age." ..from Slithy_Tove's link. Monkeyfilter: dangerous with age.
  • Hi, PatB! Wot I want to know is, where do they keep the monganders?
  • Don't be surprised if your monkey destroys things outside its cage Wouldn't that involve telekenesis? Or am I just stupid? *is a telekenetic monkey as of now on*