September 08, 2004
When I saw this, I thought "iguana get a good laugh out of this..."
You're risking a beatdown for that comment, wendell. And I say that with love. ;) As for SideDish, we might as well crown her queen of random one-shot animal weirdness links. Never fails to make me grin. Snort. Snort snort.
i confess, i once had an iquana named irving
Why is vomiting (DO NOT WAIT, CONTACT YOUR VETERINARIAN IMMEDIATELY!!!) worse than uncontrolled bleeding? Do iguanas vomit up their guts or something?
Great and Lesser Vomiting Iguanas Attack the City!
gosh, bees, what a mental picture THAT is...
Don't let your mongoose get cold or dirty, or it will die.
"Don't be surprised if your monkey destroys things outside its cage or becomes spiteful and even dangerous with age." ..from Slithy_Tove's link. Monkeyfilter: dangerous with age.
Hi, PatB! Wot I want to know is, where do they keep the monganders?
Don't be surprised if your monkey destroys things outside its cage Wouldn't that involve telekenesis? Or am I just stupid? *is a telekenetic monkey as of now on*