September 08, 2004

Planet Dan's Senior Photo Collection, Vol. 1 We start with the classic hand on chin pose. Not horrible, considering what is to come, and who doesn't want to be forever remembered as being uncomfortably unnatural looking?
  • Priceless. My mind boggles at the concept that some guys actually want some of their senior poses to be shirtless, underwear showing. Nothing else says class so well.
  • I can't decide if my favorite is the girl with her name spelled out in candy on the mirror, or the flaming football helmet. Or Trevor, the martial artist, with his clones.
  • I feel bad for all those blind people.
  • Wendell, that is adorable. I seem to remember having to get all decked out in a fuzzy boa-like thing for my high school picture. Do they still do the fuzz?
  • flaming. football. helmet. bwhaaaaaaaaaaaa haha!!! we should do a "post your senior portrait" thread. what a riot. i still remember agonizing over it back in '78... what to wear??? what hair style??? and then of course all the rich kids got their portraits done at a professional studio, while the rest of us had ours shot at the school. sigh.
  • Oh, wow, that was awful. In such a good, painful way. I don't miss high school a bit. =P
  • Is this where we post links to our senior pictures a la the "what do you look like" thread? As soon as I have electricity (and hence a scanner) I'll post my senior picture, taken in July 1990 and featuring HOT MULLET ACTION!!!
  • I don't have mine anymore, but rest assured, it was that bad: me on the train tracks, feet shod in roach-killin' boots, trying like hell to look smooth and philosophical. Hair gelled back to a nice crispness, just so. Acne airbrushed into blurry oblivion. Desperation barely concealed.
  • The bowling ball photo was a real classic, but where's volume two? :P
  • I got my senior picture taken the first week of school. The photographer was in the gymnasium, and I went into the locker room to change into that strapless black drape that goes around your arms (not under). The drape was held together with a bit of velcro in the back, but I distinctly remember it didn't close all the way - it sort of parted in back. I wore a skirt, but I was really concerned about showing so much skin in school. Praying the velcro wouldn't lose its grip, I took a deep breath and carefully eased an arm up to pull open the door, stepped out of the locker room and discovered the entire boys PE class sitting in the hallway. They all got dead quiet when they spotted me. I had to walk through all of those boys to get to the gym. That's why I'm not smiling in my senior picture.
  • My senior picture isn't half bad, actually. I only brag because all my other pictures ever in the history of life are terrible. Cousin of mine's senior pictures were of her apparently naked - relax, all that shows is shoulders and legs - and wrapped in the U.S. flag. In your face, private Christian school!
  • i forwarded this to my colleague and she is now finding all kinds of bad senior portraits out there... heh. anyone know when these monstrosities started? didn't everybody just get a normal head shot years ago? wait, it had to be the '80s... these look soooo '80s.... and are senior portraits an american thing, or worldwide?
  • I didn't have them. We didn't believe in such nonsense as 'fond memories' in our high school.
  • Best I have is a photo of me and my partner for the 7th-form formal (7th form being the equivalent of senior year), in which I have glasses that are seriously bigger than my face. I have to keep reminding myself that I was not the only one in the mid-nineties to wear something so gigantic.
  • Are these high-school seniors or rock and roll douchebags? All they need now is a page of senior pictures set against a brick wall in an alley.
  • This is funny. We often spend time looking at the pictures of the graduates that they've put up on the halls in the stairways of my high school. It's interesting, because you can see exactly when they stopped getting a plain headshot and when they started getting fancy senior pictures. Is it surprising that nearly all of the plain ones look best?
  • Just had mine taken this summer. Most proofs weren't so bad, but there were a few where the photographer had me leaning on this fuzzy white rug draped over a chair...just looked plain weird, like I was riding a polar bear or something. Eventually picked out two shots to be developed and whatnot, neither of which featured the polar bear.
  • I'm bummed out over this post. I hit the link hoping for pictures of people over seventy bare-chested with knickers akimbo.
  • Wow. There have to be stories behind most of these, and I wonder what they are. My photos (1995) were those tactfully blurry and generic Glamour Shots(tm) monstrosities, with the makeup troweled on and clothes that have been tried on by six hundred others before you. They look nothing like me. Nowadays they give you proof sheets with all your poses, even the ones you didn't order duplicates of, and I so wish I had one of those. My younger sister's proof sheet has a few with this giant puffy gold lam
  • These poor photographers try so hard to be artsy. These photo's make me deeply grateful I had the standard, boring studio head shot.