September 08, 2004

From the National Journal's "Last Call" Suggested "SNL" skit: Bush, as Bluto: "Over? Did you say 'over'? Nothing is over until we decide it is! Was it over when Saddam Hussein bombed the Twin Towers? Hell no!" Otter: "Saddam Hussein?" Boon: "Forget it, he's rolling." [nothing inside]
  • If you're gonna recommend something that's pass protected, can you leave us your login info? monkeyfilter/monkeyilter doesn't work.
  • Huh? Where is this located on the page? Why do I have to log in? What is this post about? Where are my pants?
  • Yeah, my university apparently has a site subscription to this 'National Journal' (never heard of it before), but neither 'Last Call' nor 'SNL' nor 'Saturday Night Live' nor 'Bluto' returned any hits. What is this post about?
  • Looks like jimbecile made the fatal mistake of leaving his screen and getting some shit attended to. Baaaaaad Jiiiiim!
  • hmmm. national journal has a column called "last call," but i don't see anything here there... jiiim, come baaaack...
  • To purchase 24 hours of access to, simply complete the form below. Your credit card will be charged $25 by National Journal Group Inc. *gags*
  • Maybe he's looking for my pants.
  • Ok, my bad. The link's just a nod to the National Journal...the full sub is mind-bendingly expensive, but you can read it for free during the conventions. A friend with a sub forwarded me that crack, and I thought it was too good not to share.
  • From what I can tell of the articles, they are uniformly terrible. I get more chuckles out of every paragraph of Harper's than the entirety of eight or nine "Buzz Columns" that I read today morning. This is the sort of magazine I imagine rich Republicans buy to decorate their weekend boathouses. "Based in Washington, D.C., National Journal Group Inc. is committed to providing publications and services that are nonpartisan, reliable and of the highest quality." Yes, as reliable as the Wall Street Journal editorial columns. I am sure it is printed on the highest quality paper made specially from old-growth rainforests. Thanks, I'll pass.
  • You know, that $25 could be better spent on pants. And they would probably last longer than 24 hours.