September 08, 2004
The web site you are trying to access has exceeded its allocated data transfer. Did MonkeyFilter break it, or had it previously been MeFi'ed, SlashDotted, BoingBoinged or Farked? I can't believe what I just typed.
Here's a UK site that seems to have more bandwidth: Art with a Capital F. forksclovetofu, is this what you were linking to? Interesting stuff. NSFW.
Huh. It's opening fine for me, man.
forksclovetofu - link no work Slithy_Tove - link yes work I give it an F and my eyes hurt
That half SmileFace/Skull... anyone remebers an old skater/artsy magazine..? No? I thought so.
Ahhhh...Cafe Art...beloved of cheap owners of failing hipster cafes the world over.
- it... so, what do you do?