September 06, 2004

Calculate your lifespan in minutes. Your life right down to the decimal. Takes only a few minutes to finish and gives a fairly accurate prediction of your health.
  • I should have died three years ago!
  • My estimated death date is July 4, 2064. Man, who knew that my teeth-flossing would perfectly balance out my beer-drinking? You'd think dentists would be all over that shit!
  • My calculated health span is 101.7 years. I wounder what it would have been if I was closer to my target weight. Or maybe the fact that I'm adopted threw the whole thing off.
  • whoops, forget to check for double post. sorry.
  • I gained 1 year since last i took it with the same answers as far as i can remember
  • on second thought .2 years not 1
  • 55.9 meh.
  • This'd be just as accurate if you entered which country you lived in, and it returned the average life expectancy of that
  • Excellent. I've always hated the idea of living until I was 57.
  • How, pogo_xm4, do you know this is an accurate prediction? *trembles with horror* Eeek! Is this a ghost post?
  • Apperantly I'm going to be 103 and some change when I die. Of course, I didn't know my blood pressure, cholesterol, etc. Wonder what 2107 is going to look like?
  • bleak also some rain
  • *quick mental math* humandictionary... you're ZERO???
  • wow, that is some awesome information gathering technology.... would you answer those questions if someone asked you on the phone?
  • Ima gonna die soona
  • Well, if I don't improve anything, I've got 13 more years, but then my father has already outlived his expectation by 6 years. Of course, if I'm still alive for my 62nd birthday (September 30, 2017), I'll probably have pissed off our Evil Overlords enough for them to pull the plug on me (or if I'm actually semi-self-sufficient, send a Homeland Security Hitman to visit). Who says the future is something to look forward to?
  • sutureself, you don't have to answer the personal questions on the page before the quiz; I would hope that at least the MonkeyFilterers are smart enough to avoid them... (all the children here ARE above average, right?)
  • 84.3 yrs. A bit too long, I think.
  • I'm going to live till I'm 105. Eighty six more years of Must See TV! Oh God.
  • 97 years. Actually a little low based on my family history, but then again I'm the only one who gets no exercise so maybe that's right after all.
  • I'm dead already. This is just my ghost posting.
  • ... and you could get hit by a meteorite tomorrow. Live each day fully, take this world's pleasures as they come, work hard at something you enjoy, make other people lives a little brighter as you may, and when your day comes, you'll meet Charon at the bank of the Styx with silver in your hand and a smile on your face.
  • 96.8. But that's only because I've already been hit by a bus.
  • MonkeyFilter: because I've already been hit by a bus. Rather presumptuous of this lifespan calculator not to ask if you intend to comm--- never mind.
  • I'm highly suspicious, considering there's no section where it asks whether you engage in high-risk activities other than sex/drugs and wearing a seat belt. Somehow I'd guess that an Alaskan crab fisherman would have a significantly shorter estimated lifespan than, say, a fitness instructor in suburbia somewhere. Or perhaps I'm just bitter that I'm only living to 83.9 years.
  • Well, it says calculate your lifespan. Not calculate your lifespan accurately.