September 04, 2004

Let's be friends! Touching photos of unusual animal friendships.
  • The area of my brain which recognises and processes the concept of "cuteness" just exploded. Great stuff. Brought a smile to my face (which, admittedly, may simply the dumb idiocy brought on by by exploded brain). Having said that, this monkey is not making friends with this dog. It is clearly an special forces monkey, snapping the dog's neck.
  • OK, this is war. So you want to attack with cute, eh? Fine, I didn't want to post a link to the Museum of Menstruation, but you have forced my hand. Bring it on!
  • The hedgehog is eating the poor kitty's fur.
  • It is a fur, fur better thing it does than it has ever done before...
  • That's not a mouse, its a rat.
  • That's not a cat, it's a spaceship!
  • Wow, now that's cuteness overload!
  • See, now I've gotta head over to to cleanse myself of this cuteness infestation. Here I come, autopsy photos!!
  • Uh, that's oooh, a closeup of a headless torso!!
  • *squeal* Damn, I just love interspecies friendship. Makes me all goosebumpy and even tearing up sometimes.
  • This won't end well either. [Metaphorical Kerry vs Bush link.] Or will it?
  • This thread needs a picture of a crocodile and plover bird cleaning its teeth, but my googling skills are failing me.
  • Another touching photo of an unusual animal friendship.
  • BWHAAAAA wolof! heh. me loves cute animals!!!! emailing off link enmasse to pals... great find!
  • in flagrante delicto Waraw, not quite what you were looking for. kitten and bunny One of my friends raised a kitten with the help of his pet iguana. Kitten used iguana's heat rock, iguana used kitten's litter box. They played together, and iguana taught kitten to use the tail as a weapon. The now grown up cat still smacks people, things, other animals with his tail when he's pissed.
  • Reminds me of my favorite Bible verse: "And the kitten shall lie down with the hedgehog, and the puppy shall spoon with the cat, and lo, the monkey shall put the secret ninja sleeper hold on the dog, so that he might in his simian wisdom lustfully know the cat, and the cat shall be asking for it, which shall be revealed after its sexual history is publicized along with that photo of it wearing pasties, and "meow" will never again mean "meow."
  • Meeeeoow?
  • When I moved in with my boyfriend, he had a ferret and I had a cat. The two animals would play together quite a bit. Ferrets like to play-fight with each other and can get quite aggressive, biting and rolling around. The cat learned the ferret's fighting style and would apply it whenever possible - to rolls of paper towels, your foot, etc. The ferret died last year. Now we have pet rabbits, and we were concerned for a little while that the cat would be really aggressive with them. It was a pleasant surprise that the rabbits have thus far not behaved like prey and this has totally freaked out the cat. One of them will even attack the cat if provoked. So, all in all, not a cuddly multi-species household, but more like "live and let live".
  • *scours Extreme Teen Bible looking for m.c.tool's quote*
  • Somebody's going to hell.
  • The spider with the snake looks like an incident that happened in Perth, West Oz, not far from me.. about 10 years ago, if memory serves. It was under somebodies' office table. The spider is a red-back, the snake is a baby dugite (if its the same incident, which I have to believe it is). Yes, they're both heinously poisonous.
  • Actually from Bloemfontein, SA - "There is no way that I can accept her as my second child. She can sit there and look pretty and relaxed, but that's all." This also happened in somebody's office. If I ever find myself in the Southern Hemisphere, there's no way I'm taking an office job. Too bloody dangerous.
  • Well, from reading that it is an almost identical case. The red-back is a form of black widow. Amazing, the photos are almost exactly the same. Sadly I cannot find a picture of the incident I'm talking about online. At the primary school I went to in WA, it was common to find redbacks nesting in the concrete pipes and other stuff in the playground. They can kill kids with their venom. We just avoided 'em.
  • wow, mid. that bible verse is almost enough to get me back into church again. alllllllmost.
  • I used to hunt insects as a kid with a spray full of water and soap (knocks them down unconscious for a few minutes in the right dosis). This made me useful with my neighbors to get rid of nasty vermin including red-backs.
  • *clicks on flashboy's viper fish link, vomits all over self* sorry, where were we?
  • This cat is thinking: Once she gets her paw off my neck, I am outta here!
  • We have all sorts of permanent and temporary animal residents in our house, but now I think I'll see if I can get a hedgehog. We help an animal rescue unit place unwanted pets, and sometimes get adopted by animals who don't want to leave us. Almost everyone gets along just fine, but we occasionally have to segregate a temperamental newcomer.
  • MonkeyFilter: Almost everyone gets along just fine, but we occasionally have to segregate a temperamental newcomer.
  • My gf once saw a galah that sat on the back of rabbit in a cage. Unfortunately, because of poor light and cheap camera, the pictures didn't come out very well.
  • Heh, nice one flash.
  • I once saw a pancake that sat on the head of a rabbit. Although it may have been a stunt.